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I couldn't look his Dad in the eyes the entire time we explained what was happening. I felt too much shame for letting Stiles fall into harm's way. I kept my eyes down, and noticed his hand starting to tremble on the deputies desk.

"If his Jeep is gone, that's where we start." He finally exhales. "Parrish, let's get an APB out on a blue 1980 Cj-5 Jeep. Cordova, I want a list of any kind of industrial basement or sub-level of any building he could've gotten into while sleepwalking. It's the coldest night of the year so far. So if he's out there barefoot in just a T-shirt, he could already be hypothermic. Let's move fast, let's think fast. The three of you, come with me."

Stilinski ushered us into his office as the officers went quickly to work. I still kept my head low, tucking my hands into my jacket to keep them from shaking.

"Okay," He said looking between us. "Is there anything you need to tell me that I can't tell anyone out there?"

"Lydia knew he was missing." Scott answers.

"Can she help find him?" He asks hopefully.

"Well, she's working on it." Isaac says.

"Anything else?" He asks again.

"I called Derek and Allison for help." Scott adds.

"Can - can you find him by scent?" He sighs, like he was struggling to get the air in and out.

We don't get the chance to answer, when Deputy Parrish knocks on the widow then opens the door to his office.

"We got it, sir. We found the Jeep." He informs us.

Stilinski wastes no time, ordering half a dozen deputies to follow him to the hospital. Someone reported Stiles's Jeep abandoned there. We arrived soon after, but no Stiles. I jumped out of the car, rushing over to his Jeep just as Stilinski was opening it up.

"It's dead." He muttered. "He must have left the lights on."

"Why would he come here?" Scott said, confused.

"Let's find out." Stilinski said, marching towards the entrance to the hospital.

We followed him inside, Melissa waiting just near the front desk, and rushing over to us. "Security's doing sweeps of every floor. Nothing yet." She shakes her head.

"What about the basement?" I ask.

"Follow me," She says, leading us through the halls.

My phone beeps and I pull it out. "Derek's here." I said, turning to Scott and Isaac.

"Where?" Scott asks.

"On the roof." I said furrowing my brows.

"Go." Stilinski nods to us, continuing down the hall with Melissa.

The three of us ran back to the elevator, taking it all the way up to the roof. We weren't in there more than a minute, but it felt like hours until the doors opened again. When they did, I could see Derek, standing over by some electrical boxes.

"He's not here. Not anymore." Derek says as we approach him.

"You mean, the whole building?" Scott asks.

"Gone." Derek shook his head.

"I'll go tell Stilinski." Isaac says retreating back down.

"And see if you can find Allison - she's not answering her phone." Scott tells him.

"Notice how strong the scent is up here?" Derek asks. I focus on the scent, and he's right, it was stronger. "Ever hear of chemo-signals?"

Scott and I both shake our heads. "Chemical signals that communicate emotion. And just our sweat can give off anger, fear, or disgust. Take a deep breath and tell me what you feel."

Unhinged ☾ TEEN WOLF {4}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ