Un-Free Will

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Deaton had placed a long strip of duct tape across Stiles' mouth, but that didn't stop him from staring at me with his deathly eyes. Even if he couldn't speak, I could still feel what he wanted me to do. The urge to kill Scott was still dangerously present.

The others had gone into the kitchen to talk away from him, leaving me with him while Melissa bandaged up his stomach. He finally broke his death stare from me, and looked at Melissa. His expression softened, and a tear fell from his eye.

"Stiles?" Melissa asked hopefully. Stiles sniffled, nodding quickly. But I knew better, this wasn't him. She removed the tape, and he tilted his head.

"Really, Melissa? I shed one tear? That's all it takes?" He scoffs. "Come on- you can't crumble that easily. How are you going to hold up when Scott knows the truth?"

"....What?" She shook her head confused.

"When he finds out why his Dad really left?" He taunted her. "You know he overheard it, right? You had no idea... you called Stilinski right after it happened. You didn't tell Scott, but you told the Sheriff! Hmmm.... and Stiles heard it, like he hears everything.... But, you want to know why he never told Scott? Because he knew that Scott would never forgive you. He knew how much he would hate you."

I knew exactly what he was referring to. Stiles and I were together that night... eavesdropping on his Dad. It was one of the few things I kept from Scott.

"This isn't you, Stiles..." Melissa shook her head.

"It is now." He smirked.

Melissa didn't play into his games, she just picked up the strip of tape, and placed it back over his mouth. She got up and left, then he returned to staring at me.

The doorbell rang, but it didn't matter, because two seconds later he opened the door himself, walking right inside.

"Are you kidding me?" I said glaring at Peter. "You called him?"

"Desperate times I guess...." Evan mutters.

"Desperate in deed...." Peter says looking at Stiles. "He doesn't look like he would survive a slap across the face, much less the bite of a WereWolf."

"You don't think It would work?" Scott asked.

"This is more a war of the mind than the body." Peter says. "There are better methods to winning this battle."

"What kind of methods?" Deaton asked suspiciously.

"We're going to get into his head." Peter said. "Scott, is going to try and dig through pale and sickly Evil-Stiles' mind to unearth pale and sickly Real-Stiles...."

"What do you mean?" Scott questioned.

Of course this required some stupid dangerous stunt. Scott had to enter Stiles' mind with Lydia, not paralyze either of them, and somehow bring Stiles back to the surface. Lydia sat on the sofa beside Stiles, while Scott stood behind them, positioning his hands behind their necks.

"So, what do we do if we find him?" Scott asked Peter.

"You're going to have to guide him out somehow." Peter said vaguely. "Try to give him back control of his mind, his body..."

"Could you elaborate on the 'somehow'? It's not feeling very specific at the moment." Lydia snarks.

"Improvise?" He shrugs.

"What if this is just another trick?" Scott says looking at Peter.

"When are you people going to start trusting me?" Peter sighs, rolling his eyes.

"I meant him." Scott says glancing at Stiles.

"Oh." Peter says embarrassed.

"Scott, we're running out of time..." Deaton reminded him.

Scott took a few deep breaths, then let his eyes glow bright red. Both Lydia and Stiles let out a whimper as Scott inserted his claws into their necks. All three pairs of eyes closed, and they stayed motionless.

"You guys..." I said, pulling their attention to me. I was beginning to wiggle my fingers, which meant it wouldn't be long before I could move again. "Another dose of Kamina venom would be great..."

"We're out...." Deaton said worriedly.

"Whatever they're doing," I said, glancing at Scott. "They better hurry."

We waited a few minutes, then Lydia's nose started dripping blood. That definitely wasn't a good sign.

"Look at that-" Melissa said worriedly. "Do you see that? She's bleeding."

She tries to walk over to her, but Deaton stops her. "I'm not sure that's a good idea."

Regardless, Peter kneels in front of her, grabbing her face. "Lydia? Lydia can you hear me?"

"Lydia, you are stronger than this-" He pushed her. "Okay, you need to concentrate! Lydia!"

"LYDIIIIIAAAAAAAA!" He roared, loud enough to deafen someone. Their eyes flashed open, gasping for air. Scott stepped back, retracting his claws.

"Did it work?" Scott asked, moving around the couch in front of Stiles. "Did it work?"

"What happened?" Lydia asked, all of us were watching Stiles who wasn't moving. "Why didn't it work?"

"Because it's not science, Lydia- it's supernatural." Peter says, pulling her aside. "I did my part. Now, give me the name."

"What name?" Scott demanded. "What are you talking about?"

"Lydia, a deal's a deal. Even with me." Peter said threateningly.

"Malia..." She finally spoke.

Stiles sat up, gasping, ripping the tape from his mouth. Everyone jumped back, and Stiles bent over on the floor, pulling something from out of his mouth.

After a second, we could see it looked like a long length of cloth. He continued pulling it out of his throat, like some twisted magicians trick. By the time he reached the end, there was a pile of them lying on the floor.

Stiles coughed, backing away from the pile. He jumped back, crawling away when a hand formed in the pile, reaching out. Crawling out like there was a hole in the floor. There were bandages covering every inch of its body.

It wasn't until it moved towards us that Scott and Peter finally jumped forward, pinning it down on the couch. I could move again, I could feet all my muscles, but when I stood up, I didn't help them.

Stiles grabbed Lydia, covering her mouth and slipping out the door without anyone noticing. I wanted to say something, yell, scream, anything, but my mouth was sealed shut, and I felt my feet backing out of the house with him.

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