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I left Scott and Stiles in the bathroom, while I went to fetch our bags. I wanted to agree with Scott on this, but I just couldn't. Stiles was right. We were losing it, there's nothing we can do for Malia. At least not now.

I was barely sleeping. Not that it mattered, now that the nightmares were turning into hallucinations during the day. I don't know how they could keep getting worse, but they were. Everytime, somehow I was killed in some new way, keeping me on my toes. I had no way of knowing when another one would happen. It was exhausting.

I walked down the hall past the locker rooms, and up ahead I could see Evan and Kira walking together. Kira was holding my bag, and Evan had Scott's and Stiles's.

"Hey, is Stiles okay?" Evan asked as they approached.

"Yeah, he's fine." I said glancing at Kira.

"Oh, here." She said holding my bag out to me. "You guy's left without them."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Kara..." Evan said cautiously, looking behind me.

I turned, and across the hall and up a set of stairs, was Malia. Her eyes glowing, and teeth bared at us while she growled. How the hell did she find us....

"Run." I told them. "Now!"

They finally took off running, dropping the bags and we dashed into the locker room. I slammed the door behind me, locking it. Then joining Kira and Evan, who were crouched behind a row of lockers.

"How did that thing get in here?" Kira asked in a panicked voice.

"I don't know..." I said, trying to focus on the sounds outside the door. I peeked my head around the lockers, just in time to see Malia breaking the glass on the door as she leaped through the window.

"Crap..." I muttered, hiding again.

Her claws scratched against the floor as I heard her growls getting louder, and closer. I stood up, closing my eyes so I could focus on the sound better. I waited a few moments, for her to come closer. Till I could sense her right behind the lockers.

I threw my arm out, pushing the row of lockers down on her. Kira and Evan stood up, and he pulled her away from the lockers. Malia growled louder, I barely saw her as she jumped back through the window.

I looked down at the shattered glass. Stiles's backpack had tears on it, and through those tears I could see the face of a dirty baby doll.

"Are you sure she didn't see anything?" Scott questioned.

"No, I didn't transform." I shook my head. "But, it might be a little harder to explain how I pushed down those lockers."

"I think we'll have a harder time trying to stop Malia before she hurts someone." He pointed out. The two of us peered down the hallway, over to where Stiles was talking with his dad.

"A couple of students said they saw it running across the field and back into the woods." The Sheriff explained to his son. "Thank god, nobody got hurt."

"What happens if she does hurt someone?" Stiles asked.

"Most likely they'll have to put it down." He admitted.

"Put her down? Dad, try not to forget there's a girl in there, one that you'll be killing. Come on, you aren't back to not believing, are you?" Stiles scoffs.

"I believe there are a lot of things I don't understand yet. But that doesn't mean that everything and anything imaginable is suddenly possible. Now, are you one hundred percent sure that this is a girl and not an animal?"

"Yes." Stiles says sternly. "Because Scott's sure."

Stiles finally glances down the hall at us, followed by his father's gaze as well. Stiles turns around facing the end of the hallway, so we can't see his face.

"You guys been listening?" Stiles asked.

The Sheriff watches us, then Scott and I nod our heads to them. Mr. Stilinski's expression changes, he seems to periodically forget the things we could do. We weren't the helpless kids he always thought of anymore.

"All right." He sighs. "Let's get this figured out, come on."

The two of them meet us at the end of the hall, and Stilinski leads us back into the locker room, where the police were still looking through the scene. Kira and her Dad were arguing over in the corner.

"Dad, seriously, I'm okay." Kira tells him, clearly embarrassed.

"Why were you not headed to lunch like everyone else?" He questioned.

"They left their bags." She says. "I was just trying to do something nice. You do something nice and you make friends. Or so I've heard."

"Scott, Kara," Stiles says, pulling us aside. "I think I know what she was looking for."

Stiles holds up his bag, showing him the doll inside and pulling it out. "You took the doll from the car?" Scott says glaring at him.

"Yeah, I thought you could use it, you know, for like her scent." He explains.

"Where did you get that?" Someone asked. "Where did you get this?"

Mr. Tate barged into the room, right past the cops. He stomped straight up to us, ripping the doll from Stiles's hands. We backed up, and Mr. Tate stared down at the doll.

"It belonged to my daughter." He said as he gazed down at it.

"Mr. Tate." Sheriff Stilinski said, stepping between us and Mr. Tate. "I don't know how you heard about this. If you've got your own police scanner or what... but you can't be here."

He moved to usher Mr. Tate out the door, but he stopped when his hand touched his waist. The two of them froze, and Stilinski pulled up his jacket, revealing a holstered gun.

"I have a permit." Mr. Tate says.

"California schools are gun free zones, permit or no permit." Stilinski tells him. "You need to leave, Mr. Tate. Now."

"Okay- I just-" Mr. Tate stutters as he gets gradually pushed out the door. "You find that animal. You find that thing..."

The tone in his voice, it was a mixture of disgust and anger. Both Scott and I could sense it. He was gonna kill her.

AN: If it wasn't obvious enough already, I've decided to wipe out Scott and Kira's relationship. Instead, I'm gonna be pairing her with Evan. I think it's really cute what I have planned for them.

And as far as Evan goes, I'm not interested in him triggering his powers. I want him to sort of grow to be like Allison. He's strong and helpful in his own way, but doesn't need the claws.

One of my reasons for pairing Kira with Evan instead of Scott, is because I'd like to explore the feelings Scott and Kara are having for each other. I don't know if they'll end up together for sure yet, but it's definitely gonna play a big part in the upcoming seasons.

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