Mind Games

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I had spent a good day or two looking for anything to prove him wrong. That there was some way to reverse what the Nogitsune had done, but the more I denied it, the angrier it made me.

This dark spirit was inhabiting my best friend, and there wasn't anything I could do for anyone. I couldn't help my Dad. I couldn't help Stiles. I couldn't even get this stupid cuff off!

My body had been holding in so much rage, I couldn't contain it any longer, and threw my hand through my bedroom wall. I hadn't slept a single minute since my encounter with the Nogitsune. I didn't think I could ever be so terrified of Stiles' face. But I couldn't think about him without feeling all the pain from that night.

"They found him- what are you doing?" Evan entered my room out of breath. His eyes going to my fist which was still deep in the wall socket.

"Nothing..." I muttered, ripping it back out.

"They found Stiles." Evan exhaled. "After he left Eichen House, Lydia found him passed out in some parking lot. They're bringing him over to Scott's now."

"Let's go." I said, brushing off the wall dust from my hand. I walked past him, heading down the stairs with him right on my tail.

"Are you, okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I gritted my teeth. "I wanna know what the hell he put on me."

We stepped out onto the porch, the same time Lydia's car pulled up to Scott's house. Scott and Deaton ran out to them, and I started marching across the lawn. Stiles was still unconscious as they dragged him inside.

"The couch- put him on the couch." Scott instructed Aiden and Deaton.

I watched from the back of the room as they set him down gently. I found myself glaring at him, and kept reminding myself Stiles was still in there somewhere. Seeing a large cut across his stomach made me soften a bit. I almost thought it was him for a moment.

"Guys, this is crazy." Melissa shook her head. "He needs to be in the hospital-"

"Mom, remember what happened last time he went to the hospital?" Scott reminded her. Yeah, he killed my dad.

"It doesn't look like he's bleeding..." Deaton says inspecting the wound. "I think he might even be healing."

"You mean, healing like we heal?" Aiden asked.

"That's good, right?" Scott asked hopefully.

"For him, yes." Deaton nodded. "Us? I'm not so sure."

"Well, if we're not gonna kill him, why aren't we at least tying him down with really big chains?" Aiden asked.

"I might have something more effective." Deaton says. He reaches into his bag, pulling out a medicine dropper.

Scott and Aiden reach to open Stiles' mouth, and Deaton drops a pump full of clear goo into his mouth. They held his mouth shut, but he jerked awake, grabbing Aiden's throat.

"Get him off me!" Aiden growled.

Scott tried to pry his hand off, and the entire time he laughed at Aiden's pain. Scott finally freed him, and after a second he slowly laid back on the couch.

"Kanima venom..." He guessed correctly. Aiden growled at him, but he was smarter than that. "You know how they say that twins get a feeling when the other one's in pain? You didn't lose that power too, did you?"

"Oh, I hope not!" He laughed. "You're gonna need it.... Okay, I'll give a little hint- Ethan's at the school."

"Go." Scott tells him. Aiden takes one last look at Stiles before bolting past us out the front door.

"Oh," Stiles laughs again. "I hope he gets there in time. I like the twins- short tempers, homicidal compulsions... they're a lot more fun than you bakemono, trying to save the world everyday."

His laugh, it boiled my blood. The temptation to kill him right here, right now, was so strong. But I had to save Stiles, this all can't have been for nothing.

"Oh, Kara!" He cheered, finally looking over at me. "Oh, I missed you... How's your Dad doing?"

I growled, fuming with anger, and lunged at him without a thought. I would've struck him too if Scott hadn't stuck his arm out to grab me.

"I'll kill you!" I roared in a rage, struggling and kicking vigorously against Scott.

"Kara, calm down!" Scott pleaded, then I felt Evan's arms holding me back as well.

I backed up just a step, shoving Scott's chest away from me hard. "That thing murdered my Father!"

"Stiles! Is still in there!" Scott tried to push that through my head rather aggressively . "You'll kill him too!"

I breathed heavy breaths through my nose, and dug my nails into my palms. Stiles.... Just think of Stiles...

"Did you figure it out yet?" Stiles asked, cocking his eyebrows. "Why you can't get my little friendship bracelet off?"

"What is this?" I demanded, holding my wrist up.

He burst out laughing, like he couldn't breathe. "Ah, ohhh... that's funny." He grinned.

"You really wanna know what that's for?" He challenged, something changing in his eyes in a fraction of a second.

"Kneel." He commanded in a deep voice.

I was confused, until I fell forward on my knees. It was like someone shoved me to the ground, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stand up.

"What the hell..." I muttered. I looked up to Scott and Evan for help, and they grabbed each of my arms. No matter how hard they pulled my knees remained glued to the floor.

"Noshiko controls the Oni, but I... I control you." He chuckled. I couldn't find any words to say, I was still paralyzed in fear. "Ooo, I know. Why don't we test it?.... Kill Scott."

The glue disappeared, and I could feel myself stand back up. I looked at Scott fearfully, and swung my claws out at him.

"Kara!" Evan grabbed my arm, but I shoved him back hard.

"Scott!" I warned. "I can't- I can't control it."

I leapt at him, tackling him to the ground, and wrapping my fingers around his throat. Come on, Scott! Fight back! But he didn't, he just let me strangle him.

It wasn't until Deaton pulled me off him that I had to let go. I would've attacked him too if he and Evan hadn't pinned me to the ground. I fought against them both, until Deaton finally dropped the Kanima venom into my mouth as well.

I felt relieved as I felt all my muscles become paralyzed. Evan picked me up, setting me gently into one of the single chairs in the living room. I could see Scott standing up, his facial expressions in distress.

"Scott I- I'm sorry." My lips trembled.

"It's okay..." He whispered, moving over to stand beside me. "I'm fine."

But he wasn't. Chemo signals. I could feel his anxiety and fear. I wanted to hit myself when I saw the red marks around his neck.

He controlled me. And there was nothing anyone could do to stop him.

AN: Double update this week lol, happy holidays!

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