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It was only a few hours before I heard anything. I didn't trust Scott completely when he said he'd let me know if anything else happened. He was too over protective, but that's not what I needed right now. It was wrong of me to ask Evan to watch him, but I didn't have a choice.

Evan informed me that Scott, Ethan and Aiden found Stiles in the basement of the school, and were still there. I sped over to the school, marching right inside, and down to the basement.

"What the hell were you doing? Building a terminator?" I heard Aiden say.

I reached the bottom of the stairs, and turned the corner where I saw them at the end of the dark hall. Scott looked shocked to see me, and he could tell I looked mad.

"Thanks for keeping me updated." I said looking at Evan.

"You called her?" Scott said to him.

"Enough." I snapped. "I'm not doing this now."

My eyes shifted over to Stiles. "What did you do?" I demanded.

"Kara I- I'm so sorry about your Dad...." Stiles apologized.

Something inside me lit up in flames. It didn't feel like I was looking at my best friend anymore, much less anything that was remotely human.

I couldn't remember having such a strong urge to hurt someone before. But still, the face of my best friend was looking back at me in agony.

He didn't do this. This wasn't him.....

"What did you do?" I asked again.

"Guys, this is a map." Evan said, pulling some folded up paper from a large bag on the table.

I walked right past Scott, not giving him a second of my attention. Evan unfolded the paper, centering it on the table.

"Isn't that the cross-country trail?" Ethan asked. He was right, their exact path was marked out in red.

"That's the Tate car, where Malia Tate's family died." I said, pointing to the end of the marked trail.

"You mean, that's where her Father put the steel-jawed traps...." Stiles said horrifically.

We dropped off Evan, Ethan, and Aiden at the starting point of the trail. Hopefully they could stop the runners from getting anywhere near the traps, but just in case we needed to make sure they didn't reach the end. The second we jumped out of the Jeep, Coach saw us, his eyes widening at the sight of Stiles.

"Stilinski!" He said in a mildly angry tone. I could never tell with him.

"Coach, you gotta listen." Stiles pleaded.

"Evan!" I shouted, seeing him running closer with a large group of students. "Stop!"

"Stop, stop! Everyone stop!" Stiles ran around Coach, everyone froze, and Stiles slowly bent down.

He pulled out the end of a rusty chain from underneath clumps of leaves. He continued to slowly pull it up, until he finally reached the end. It wasn't attached to anything, just harmless iron. This didn't make any sense, Stiles marked this path for a reason.

"Congratulations, Stilinski." Coach says, clapping his hands slowly with sarcasm. He walked around us, looking at everyone. "You found a length of chain. Can somebody now please tell me what the hell's going on?"

"Hey, Coach!" Evan shouted with urgency. Coach took another step, his foot snagging on a thin wire. I hear something triggered, and an arrow shoots right into Coach's abdomen.

"Oh crap....." Coach mutters before collapsing.

Everyone screams, and Stiles drops the chain. I tried to catch Coach, but he fell too fast, momentarily losing consciousness.

"Someone call an ambulance!" I shouted, applying pressure around the bleeding arrow.

"Get it out of me!" Coach jumps back awake. "Oh, my god! I'm gonna die! Get it out of me! I'm gonna die!"

"Coach you're not gonna die-" Stiles says trying to calm him.

"I'm gonna die!!" Coach screams.

"It'll hurt less if you stop moving, Coach." I told him. I was applying as much pressure as I dared, but blood was still seeping through my fingers.

"Get that thing out of me!" Coach continues to shout.

"Stiles!" I motion for him to take over for me. He nods, and we quickly switch our hands.

"Stay still Coach, the ambulance is coming." Scott says, his phone pressed to his head.

"Get it out, I'm gonna die!" He yells back hysterically. My hands are covered in his blood, but I take his hand in both mine.

"Get back! Get back! Give him some room!" Aiden shouts at the students around us. Good thing too, it would've been hard to explain the black veins swirling around our hands.

I inhaled sharply at the sensation of Coach's pain. It was just as intense as this morning. I keep going, until I feel my chest tightening. Like my heart would burst. I let go of Coach's hand, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

"I think he just passed out." Evan said, checking his pulse.

"I could have killed him...." Stiles says anxiously. "I could have killed him, right? What if it was his head? Or his throat?"

"But it wasn't- and he's going to be alright." Scott assures him.

"I think I just heard an ambulance coming." Ethan says to us.

"And my Dad...." Stiles says worriedly.

The ambulance arrived, and they took Coach away. It didn't look like the arrow hit anything vital, but it was still gonna hurt like hell to remove. I was worried about how we'd explain this, but Stilinski didn't seem too concerned. It was the first he'd seen of his son in two days. I was almost envious seeing them together. All I could think about was my dad lying unconscious in critical care.

"Scott? You better look at this." I heard Aiden say, and I followed Scott over to the back of Stiles Jeep. Aiden was holding a tube of wrapping paper. I recognized it too.

"This is the same wrapping paper we used for Coach's birthday present." Scott says.

"Wasn't that William Barrow's thing? A bomb made from nuts and bolts, all wrapped up in a birthday present?" Ethan asked. "Where did it go off?"

"On a school bus....." I said.

Unhinged ☾ TEEN WOLF {4}Where stories live. Discover now