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I didn't get a lot of sleep after the conversation Evan and I had last night. It had me questioning every decision I've made in the past year. Was it me? Or something Derek or Scott wanted me to do. It only irritated me more when Coach came walking through the halls in the morning with a megaphone.

"Class starts in five minutes! Just because there's no power, don't expect there to be no school!" He bellowed.

"That was a triple negative." Stiles says as he passes him in the hall. I look over for a moment, Scott walking right beside him. "Very impressive, Coach."

"Copy that." Coach replied loudly.

"Hey." Scott greeted me, opening his locker.

"Hey." I said quickly, then averting his gaze.

"Woah, what's that." Stiles brought our attention over, across the hall was Evan. He was looking further down the hall at Kira, and began walking towards her. The three of us stopped him, forming a wall in the middle of the hallway.

"What are you doing?" I demanded.

"What?" Evan scoffed. "I need to talk to her.

"No, you need to remember that someone left a coded message telling Barrow to kill her." Stiles told him.

"Which is why I need to talk to her." Evan said, trying to push past us.

"That's not a good idea." Scott added.

"Not until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's gonna start murdering everybody, I vote against any interaction." Stiles went on.

"What if she's like us?" Evan questioned.

"That girl walked through one point twenty-one jigawatts of electricity. She's not like you guys." Stiles says.

"Kara?" Evan looks to me, wanting some sort of back up.

"I'm sorry, but they're right. We don't know anything about her. She could be dangerous." I reminded him.

"She's not some- killer." Evan scoffed.

"I'd have said the same thing if I hadn't almost been murdered by both a former Teacher and Principal, both on more than one occasion." I said crossing my arms.

"Whatever." Evan shakes his head, turning the other way in the hall.

"He'll get over it." I rolled my eyes.

"How are we gonna figure out what she is?" Scott asked.

"We can start with the Argent's Bestiary?" Stiles suggested. "Maybe your library too."

"It'll have to wait, we have Geometry." I said, glancing at Scott.

"See ya." Scott said to him before walking with me down the hall.

"Do you really think she might be dangerous?" Scott asked.

"I... don't know." I said unsure of myself. "What I do know, is that my Dad will kill me if anything happens to him. Better to be safe."

"You're right." Scott shrugged. "So, I could come by after school, help you look through books?"

"Oh, you don't have to." I shook my head. "It'll be boring."

"Not if you're there." Scott laughs. "It'll give us some alone time, to like, talk..."

"Right." I said, trying to act like I hadn't forgotten. "That sounds- great. Yeah."

"Montgomery, McCall! Get to class!" Coach yelled at us through his megaphone.

"Yes, Coach." Scott said as we passed him. Almost all the students had dispersed into classrooms.

"I've got a better idea." I smirked, pulling him down the hall. This probably wasn't a good idea, any way you looked at it. But I had to test a theory.

"What? Where are we going?" Scott questioned as I dragged him around the corner. I made sure no one was looking, and I opened the janitors closet, pulling him inside.

"Why are we-" Scott began to ask, before I cut him off.

I locked my arms around his neck, pulling his lips down to mine. Scott was surprised, but didn't object. After a second, he kissed me back, and I pulled him against the wall. Once we were forced to break apart for air, he tried to speak.

"Not that I'm complaining, but-" Scott moaned. "Shouldn't we, talk before we-"

"Do you wanna talk, or do you wanna make out?" I ask.

"Good point." Scott nodded, then immediately returning to my lips. He cupped my cheeks, switching our bodies so now I was pressed up against the wall. I really didn't want to stop this, but I had to.

"Actually, we should probably go to class." I broke away.

"Huh?" Scott said in confusion.

"Tell me to stay." I tell him.

"Uh... stay?" Scott said, completely lost at what was happening.

"Yeah, we should get to class." I nodded, fixing my hair.

"Okay...." He scratched his head, picking up his bag.

I stepped outside the closet, again making sure no one was watching, then walking quickly to class. I did it, I didn't listen to him. Everything Evan said had to be wrong. I knew this, so why did something not feel okay.

For the first time in weeks, I was tempted to call Derek. I missed him more than I should have, especially taking my undefined "relationship" with Scott into consideration. But I couldn't stop thinking about what he might know. He always knew more about me than he let on. Could he really have known about Guardians being Sired to their Alpha's?

I stood against my locker, looking down at his contact in my phone. What if he didn't pick up? What if he didn't want to talk? What if he did pick up? I didn't have a single clue what to say.

I shook my head, shoving my phone deep in my jacket. I was about to meet Scott and Stiles for lunch when I picked up on some conversation down the hall. I turned, and there was Evan, sitting up against the wall next Kira.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Kira said shyly.

"Okay. Want to talk about the pre-cal test on friday? The teacher takes the equations right out of the book." Evan suggested. I was going to march over there to drag him away from her, but I stayed back, listening in.

"Do you have your phone?" Kira asked, glancing at him. Evan nods, taking his phone out. "I'm going to show you something no one else has ever seen. No one except for Barrow. Take a picture of me. And use the flash."

I watch carefully, as Evan takes the picture. It's hard to see from here, but there seemed to be some kind of orange aura around her. I blinked, letting my panther vision take over. Normally it enhances people's heat signatures, but all around Kira there was the same orange aura.

"Woah..." I whispered. It seemed to be like another layer of skin, except it looked almost like the shape of a fox.

"Woah." Evan gasped.

"Yeah...." Kira said. Her voice sounded, almost ashamed. I mean, it was unknown, but it was also kind of beautiful.

"What is it?" Evan asked.

"I don't know." Kira shrugged. "It started showing up a couple months ago. It only happens with the flash on. And I don't know how, but Barrow knew about it. He used my own phone to take pictures of me."

"That's why you asked for it back." Evan put the pieces together.

"If someone sees those pictures..." Kira shakes her head.

"We need to get your phone back." Evan says.

Kira suddenly looked my way, taking notice of me. Evan followed her gaze, and locked eyes with me. He knew I heard it all, and by the pleading look on his face, he wanted my help. I give him a small nod, before walking back down the hall.

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