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We waited nervously while Deaton retrieved the sedatives for us. I stood between Isaac and Evan. Scott and Stiles on the other side of the table. Scott's phone finally dinged, a message from Allison popping up.

Got it.

"Xylazine." Deaton said walking back into the room, setting three small vials down in front of us. "It's a tranquilizer for horses. For a WereCoyote, expect it to work within seconds. I only have three. So whoever's shooting, needs to be a damn good shot."

"Allison's a perfect shot." Scott nodded.

"She used to be." Isaac countered.

"She can do it." Scott protests.

"If we manage to find the thing." Isaac continues to argue.

"Okay, what is the point of him?" Stiles asks, pointing his finger to Isaac. "Seriously, I mean, what is his purpose? Aside from the persistent negativity and the scarf? What's with the scarf anyway? It's sixty-five degrees out."

"Stiles." I said annoyed, glaring right at him.

"Look," Isaac speaks, folding his arms. "Maybe I'm asking a question no one here wants to ask. How do we turn a coyote back into a girl, when she hasn't been a girl for eight years?"

There's silence between all of us, and my eyes drift to Scott. "Scott can do it." I said. Everyone looked to me questioningly, then back to Scott.

"You can?" Evan asks him.

"You remember the night that Peter trapped us in the school?" I asked, glancing between Scott and Stiles. "In the gym, he was able to make you turn using just his voice, and Deucalion did the same thing to us in the distillery."

"This is a WereCoyote." Deaton interjected. "Who knows if it'll even work if you can find someone who can teach him."

"That's why you called Derek first." Stiles realizes.

"Yeah." Scott sighs. "I could try it on my own. But right now, I'm too scared to even change into just a WereWolf."

"We need a real Alpha." Stiles says, scratching the back of his neck. Scott looks offended, to which Stiles adjusts his words. "You know what I mean. An Alpha who can do Alpha things. You know, an Alpha who can get it going. You know, get it..."

"Up?" Isaac asks, finishing his sentence.

"Great..." Scott sighs. "I'm an Alpha with performance issues."

"Is there anyone besides Derek who could help?" Deaton asks.

"I wouldn't trust Peter." Isaac says.

"Maybe the twins?" Stiles suggests.

"They're not Alpha's anymore." Deaton reminds us. "After what Jennifer did, almost killing them? It broke that part of them."

"Yeah, but what if they know how to do it?" I ask.

"Nobody's seen them for weeks." Scott shakes his head.

"Well, actually, that's not totally true." Stiles says awkwardly.

I would've been more annoyed by the fact Lydia was still talking to Aiden, but things were different with Scott as Alpha. It was really different than following Derek. Derek was the Alpha, and never let anyone forget it.

Scott however, he didn't see us all as his Beta's. We were more than that, we were family. We let Scott lead us because we wanted to follow him, not because of the color of his eyes.

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