Divine Move

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We quickly arranged to meet the others at the school with the box. We weren't gonna get anywhere close to the Nogitsune without going through the Oni, so Derek managed to convince the twins to help us.

As soon as we approached the schools we could see it. Wearing Stiles' face, sitting on the steps in front of two Oni. "Did you bring us a present?" He asked giddishly.

Derek set the box on the ground, fully transforming his face. "I brought two..." The twins walked from behind us, growling menacingly.

"I've heard of an Alpha pack, Derek, but not a pack of former Alphas, and whatever you can call yourself now." He teased. "It's a little sad, isn't it."

His taunting was enough to drive me over the edge, but I knew I couldn't afford to play into his games. Not this time.

"I might not be an Alpha anymore..... But I can still fight like one." Derek said. He tilted his head back, roaring loudly. The Oni swung out their swords in response.

I roared with them, letting my dark black claws grow. The Nogitsune stepped back, letting the Oni do his dirty work. I heard movement behind us, two more appearing from thin air.

"I hate ninja's...." Aiden growled.

Derek and Ethan ran forward while Aiden and I went for the one's behind us. I dodged its sword, and latched my hand on its arm. He couldn't move the sword against me, but it was hard to say who was stronger.

I kicked the back of his knee, forcing him on his knees. He pushed back with such force, I had to focus more strength on holding onto his arm, so he easily stood back up. He used his other hand to grab my throat, spinning us around and slammed me into the cement wall.

"Where the hell are they?" Ethan shouted.

I growled angrily, its grip on my throat becoming too tight to breathe. There was just enough space between us for me to kick my leg up, so I could kick it's chest back.

"The Jeep's here- they have to be somewhere!" Aiden hollard back.

It let go, stumbling back for only a moment before swinging its sword back at me. It nicked my shoulder, not too deep, but enough for it to surprise me. I barely ducked another swing, then I lunged forward. I snatched its wrist again, gripping it hard and slamming the butt of the sword against its mask.

"In the school!" Derek shouted.

It discombobulated it for a moment, and I twisted its arm back. I swiftly flipped it over, it's back cracking on the pavement.

"You have to get the box! Someone get them the box!" Derek shouted.

I saw it out of the corner of my eye on the ground. My first instinct was to grab it, but the Oni on the ground evaporated into black dust. Before I had time to think, it reappeared behind me. Slamming it's boot hard into my back.

I fell hard against the pavement, quickly rolling to the side. It's sword hit the pavement, creating sparks. I rolled back onto my knees, jumping up to my feet.

"We can't do this! We can't beat them!" Aiden shouted, his back now aligned against mine.

Out of nowhere, Ethan pounced on the Oni in front of me. "Take the box, we'll hold them off!" Ethan growled.

I snatched the box from the ground and beelined towards the school. I looked back quickly, the three of them taking on all four of the Oni. I had to hurry....

I burst through the doors, looking around desperately for anyone. A moment passed before Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Kira, and Evan came barrowling out of a classroom. All of them looked completely lost.

"We're okay. We're-" Scott sighed, but it was cut short.

The Nogitsune came out from another hall, throwing Scott against the lockers. He also managed to backhand Kira to the floor, and grab hold of Evan's throat.

I fully transformed, roaring louder than I ever thought I could. I had a rage inside me that wouldn't be tamed until he was dead. The Nogitsune laughed at me, then slammed Evan's head into the lockers. He fell to the ground as I attacked the Nogitsune.

He was prepared for me though. I raked my claws at his chest, but he leaned back just in time. As he dodged my claws, he reached back grabbing my wrist and pulling my arm back, twisting it sharply.

"You stupid girl..." He muttered. "You think you can kill me!"

"Watch me-" I growled.

He twisted my arm all the way back with a sickening crunch. I screamed out, then again when he kicked the back of my knee, breaking it as well. He finally let go and I dropped to the floor.

"This was my game..." He growled, looking to Stiles and Lydia. "You think you can beat me at my game! Divine move? You think you have any moves left at all? You can kill the Oni, but me? Me? I'm a thousand years old, you can't kill me!"

I panted heavily and growled as I twisted my arm back into place. I could see Scott getting up from the floor, still in a bit of a daze.

"Scott, get up-" I said in a hushed voice, while tugging his arm.

"But we can change you!" Lydia shrieked. Scott pushed himself up, and I snatched Kira's sword from the ground.

"What?" The Nogitsune said, genuinely confused by her words.

"You forgot about the scroll..." She said. I gripped the sword tightly, slowly creeping up behind them with Scott by my side.

"The Shugendo scroll." Stiles said.

".... change the host." He finally realized.

"You can't be a fox and a wolf." Stiles taunted him.

I could feel him panicking but it was too late. Scott dug his claws into The Nogitsune's arm, biting down hard on his shoulder.

"NOOO!" He roared in pain, struggling under Scott's grasp.

Scott let go and immediately backed away. I held the sword tightly, driving it straight through his back. He gasped, his body starting to convulse.

"That's for Allison..." I seethed, twisting the sword in deeper.

I let go of the Katana, shoving him down on his knees. His mouth opened up, a single fly buzzing out and down the hall. The box- where's the box- I turned around, my eyes scanning everywhere for it.

Isaac stepped out from another hall, capturing the fly and sealing the box shut. The fake Stiles still kneeling on the floor in front of us, fell forward. His body disappearing into ash as he hit the ground.

I was about to feel relieved when Stiles collapsed on the floor. Lydia failed to catch his weight. Scott and I dropped to the floor next to him.

"Stiles!" I panicked, reaching for a pulse.

His heart was still beating, and his lungs were breathing. It was another second before he finally opened his eyes, gasping for air.

"Oh, god, I fainted, didn't I?" He said exasperated. I let out a small chuckle, resting my hand over his beating heart. "We're alive... we all alive?"

"Yeah, we're okay." Scott nodded.

I remembered Evan was still knocked out down the hall and I jumped back to my feet. He and Kira were just beginning to stand once I saw them.

He spotted me just a second before I threw myself into his arms. We'd hugged plenty of times, but this was different. I held onto him tightly, his arms becoming shields around me from pain. The tighter I held, the safer I felt.

Stiles was alive, most of us were still here. And having Evan here in this moment was enough for me to be okay. Just for a moment.

AN: I decided to post this early, and I'll post the last two chapters in a day or two since they're pretty short. So I might have the next book up by this friday.

I hate to bug people to leave votes and comments, but I really do appreciate the thought and feedback, please leave a vote if you've enjoyed <3

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