The Oni, Kitsune & Nogitsune

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I was relieved to see the car already parked outside our houses. We sprinted inside, Scott locking the door after I stepped in. Evan and Kira were on his couch, looking down a book. But the two of them moved slightly further away at the sight of us.

"Okay, um. We gotta make sure everything is locked, and all the windows were closed." Scott said, moving around the walls of the house.

"I don't wanna sound pessimistic or anything," Kira says, standing up. "But you really think that's going to keep them out?"

"Actually we have a kind of security system." Scott tells her. "Things happened a couple of weeks ago, a lot of things, and we had my boss help make a few changes to the house."

"Your house? Do you work for a security company or something?" Kira asks.

"No, he's a veterinarian." Scott says, locking the front door.

"You had your vet put in your alarm?" She asked, confused.

"Yeah, sort of. But we can't arm it, only my mom can." Scott said, making sure he didn't forget anything.

"Where is she?" Evan asked.

"Don't worry, she'll be here." He assured us. "I'm gonna check the upstairs windows."

Scott sprinted up the stairs, leaving the three of us alone. "You haven't told Dad about any of this, have you?" Evan asked.

"No." I admitted. "There wasn't a lot of time, and there's no reason to put him in harm's way."

"What if he knows something about these things?" Evan questioned.

"It's too late." I said, my eyes going to the falling sun through the front windows.

There was rustling behind us and we all turned fearfully. Only it was Scott's Dad coming through the back door. Crap....

"Scott...." I called out for him.

His Dad just stood by the kitchen table, waiting for his son to come down. Something about his expression told me he wasn't just dropping by to say hello. Scott sprinted over to us, then turned to what we were looking at.

"What are you doing here?" Scott demanded. "And why do you still have a key?"

"Funny you mention keys..." Agent McCall says, pulling out a laptop. "Because while I have a key to this house, I'm not exactly sure how you got a key to my office...."

On the laptop was a security image of Evan, Scott, and Kira. It was from last night when we broke into the Sheriff's station to delete those pictures from Kira's phone. None of us knew what to say, and Scott was speechless.

"Let me help you out, here." Agent McCall finally breaks the silence. "This kind of thing usually begins with something along the lines of 'it's not what you think' or 'I can explain'."

"Dad, let me help you out- you need to leave." Scott tells him.

"I will, with a satisfactory explanation." He replies, crossing his arms.

"Go get a warrant." Scott backfires.

"I don't need a warrant, I'm your father." He says, raising his voice slightly.

"No, you're a gene donor." Scott spats back at him. "I got my hair color from you, and that's all I got. So, you're not allowed to play tough-dad with me."

"Hey, what's going on?" Scott's mom asks cautiously, as she walks through the back door.

"Maybe one of you should explain." Agent McCall says rather smugly.

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