Be Honest

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I could hear the pulsing music from blocks away, it was another thing when we finally got to the loft. Filled with neon painted bodies.

"It just showed up there on my keyring this morning." Stiles explained as we walked in. "I asked my Dad if he put it there but he said he didn't know anything about it."

"It's just a key, right?" I shrugged, walking down the steps.

"Yeah," He sighed. "But it's not mine. And I don't know how it got there or what it's for."

"You want to leave so we can figure it out?" Scott asked.

A random girl walks up to Stiles, planting a kiss on his cheek, then smiles. "Happy Halloween!"

"It can wait." Stiles says before following her.

I laughed, looking over to Evan and Kira in the corner. My eyes met with Scott's, and I took his hand, pulling him through the crowd. I lead him outside on the balcony. It didn't drown out the music, but it would've been much easier to talk.

"It's been hard to find the right moment to be alone." I said, closing the door.

"Yeah." Scott sighed. I sat on the edge of the fire escape, looking around the dark town. Scott followed, sitting down next to me.

"What is this, that we're doing?" Scott asked hesitantly.

"I don't know...." I shook my head. "You never acted the least bit interested in me that way before. Why now?"

"I always did." Scott admitted. "I just never thought you did."

"So, we're both idiots?" I laughed.

"I guess." He smiled.

"But you, you felt this, before Peter gave you the bite?" I asked.

"Yeah, why does that matter?" Scott asked, confused.

"It turns out, Evan did find something." I said, looking away from his face. "Guardian's are more loyal to Alpha's they have stronger bonds with. They can become, Sired."

"Sired?" Scott asked. "What does that mean."

"That I'd do anything you asked. Free will be damned. I thought.... I thought it might mean, that what we feel, what if it's not real? It's just what the Sire bond makes us feel?"

"That's not true." Scott shook his head, taking one of my hands in his. "We both felt this before we ever knew what we'd become. Maybe, yeah, the bond might have some influence, but it doesn't control how we felt before, and what we feel now."

"You think so?" I asked, turning to him.

"I do." He nodded. He leaned down slowly, until our noses brushed against each other's ever so slightly.

It was all the more satisfying when his warm lips finally pressed to mine. I could only focus on how soft his lips were, every slight movement was enough to stop my heart.

I rested my palm lightly against his chest, and Scott's hand reached up to brush away a loose strand of my hair. I smiled against his lips, causing him to let out a small laugh.

"Come on." He smiled, pulling me to my feet.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's a party, and I wanna dance with my girlfriend." He grinned.

"Girlfriend?" I asked in surprise.

"If that's, okay with you." He asked hopefully.

I nodded, squeezing his hand, and letting him guide me back inside. I took off my jacket and tossed it aside, so my white t-shirt glowed under the lights.

Scott brought us to the middle of the crowd, and pulled my waist close to his. I shivered as his hand snaked around my back, but I steadied myself by putting my arms around his neck.

I wasn't sure how long we stayed there, nothing could pull our focus from each other. With all the flashing lights, and pulsing music, it was just the two of us.

There was one thing that eventually pulled my attention away.


Our eyes met as he walked towards us. But, he walked right past us, and up to the Dj.

"Scott..." I said, looking at him. I felt almost guilty, him seeing us together.

A few seconds passed and Derek flipped the table, cutting the music. Everyone stopped dancing, and all eyes went to him.

"Get out!" He ordered.

With that, everyone began to scatter.

"Kara!" I heard Evan's voice over the commotion. He and Kira ran right up to us, completely petrified.

"What?" I asked.

"That!" He pointed to a dark figure in the corner. Dressed all in black, and masked. Then I noticed another across the room, and another, and another, all of them looking at Aiden.

"Guys... they're all looking at me." He said nervously. "Why are they all looking at me? Guys?"

"Get back." I told Evan.

The masked men took several steps toward Aiden, and we sprung. I whipped my claws at them, but every attack they dodged without so much as a scratch. One of them flips around, kicking me across the room, till I hit a column.

I growled, looking up to see they've taken down Scott and Derek. Isaac pulls out his claws, and one of them pulls out a sword from it's chest. Isaac looks fearfully at it, before backing away. I push to my feet, pulling Scott back.

"Somebody do something!" Allison says.

But none of us can. Two of the masked men hold Aiden in place, while the other puts his hand to the side of Aiden's head. Only a few seconds pass before Aiden drops to the floor unconscious.

The four men turn to Scott and I, taking a step forward. I glance behind me at Kira and Evan. I fully transform, letting out a menacing growl to the dark figures, Scott doing the same beside me. They'll have to kill me to get to them.

They turn their heads to the side, as sunlight peeks through the windows. We wait for them to attack, but they dissolve into dust.

"What the hell were those things?" Scott demands.

"Your Dad's twenty-four hours are up." Isaac says to Allison.

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