Buried Feelings

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I had insisted to Scott several times that I was fine, but he wasn't convinced. My leg was healing, but it might take an hour more before it healed fully. That was the last time I went running through those woods again. At least until Stilinski was able to clear the area with Tate of all the bear traps.

"This isn't necessary." I rolled my eyes.

Scott ignored me and pulled my arm around his neck as he helped me walk up his stairs. It did hurt to put weight on it, but I wasn't about to tell him that. I'd had much worse before. This was nothing.

"Seriously." I sighed.

"You're hurt," Scott repeated. "That trap went really deep, we need to cover your leg until it heals."

"Whatever the Alpha commands," I joked.

"Don't call me that." He rolled his eyes, as he kicked his door open.

He sat me down on the edge of his bed, and walked into his bathroom. "Does this mean I get out of Mischief night, tonight?" I asked hopefully.

"Stiles would kill you." Scott says walking back out with bandages.

"Considering what we went through today, he might not." I countered.

Scott began cleaning up some of the dried blood around the punctures on my leg. I watched him as he did, he was being extremely careful not to hurt me.

"So, you ah, transformed." I said. "Does that mean, you're like okay now?"

"I think so." Scott says. "What about you?"

"I'm fine." I lied.

"Come on." Scott said tilting his head. "Evan told me you haven't been sleeping, like at all."

"I haven't closed my door yet." I shrugged. "But I will, soon."

"You better." Scott said, finishing wrapping my leg. "Because we won't wait forever."

"What?" I asked confused.

Scott grabbed my leg, digging his fingers into the bandage. I screamed out, trying to pull away, but his grip was too tight.

"No- no this isn't real!" I shook my head. "This isn't you, Scott would never do this-"

"Would he?" Scott asked, digging his fingers in more. He grabbed my other leg, pulling me off the bed and on the floor underneath him. Then he wrapped his hands tightly around my neck. "You should be more focused on protecting yourself instead of your friends-"

I gasped, his hands becoming tighter and tighter around my neck. This isn't real, I thought to myself over and over. That's when I stopped struggling against him. I let go of his arms, as he gripped my neck. It wasn't real. I just had to give in.

"You're not Scott..." I managed to choke out calmly.

"Kara- Kara's it's me!" Scott's voice said, but faded. I focused on that voice, and pushed the other away.

"Kara, you're fine, it's just a hallucination!" Scott's voice got closer and closer, then something snapped.

I blinked, and Scott's hands weren't around my throat anymore, but on my shoulders, holding me down.

"Scott..." I breathed, finally feeling the air return to me.

"Are you-" He started to ask.

"Yes." I nodded. "I'm okay..."

He moved off me, and I sat up on the floor next to him. "It's gone..." I whispered.

"What's gone?" Scott asked.

"The fear, the darkness.... it's not there anymore. The door is closed." I said glancing back at him. "Thank you."

"For what?" He shook his head.

"It was you, it was your voice that brought me back." I explained.

I leaned closer to him, unsure of what I was doing until my lips were connected with his. He didn't seem surprised, or unwilling. In fact, he cupped my neck, deepening the kiss.

I felt warmth radiating on his hand to my neck. My eyes fluttered shut and I pressed our faces closer. There weren't fireworks or anything, but it felt right. And I loved how safe I felt in his arms.

When I woke, it was already dark out. I felt huge arms wrapped around my waist and holding me close. There was a ringing coming from one of our phones. I felt Scott move and grab something from behind him.

"Get your asses down here now. We have a job to do." Stiles voices came through the phone. I broke away from Scott, moving to the edge of the bed to put my shoes on.

"Dude, I'm already in bed." Scott complained. "And aren't we getting a little old for this?"

"We do this for Coach." Stiles reminded him.

"You go." I nodded, looking back at Scott while I tied my laces. "I'll catch up."

"K..." Scott said after a moment. He looked like he wanted to say something else, but he closed his mouth.

I looked away quickly before it got even more awkward. I kept my eyes down until he left. I finished tying my shoes, and grabbed my phone off the floor.

I clicked it open, seeing several missed calls and texts from Evan. He seemed to want to show me something in a book from the library. It could probably wait till tomorrow.

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