5.3 girl meets emma's birthweek

Start from the beginning

"Look it." Amzie said before she uncovered his eyes.


"Boots. Fazzini boots. Emma has been dying for these. I had to go to eleven different stores before I could—" Amzie started before Emma walked in.



"What's up, Em?"

"What has two thumbs and is already having a fantastic birthweek? This girl. Check out my kicks. Fazzini boots. Got em at Simone's. Don't be sad. You can borrow em." Emma said before she went upstairs.

"You're gonna have to come up with another present." Luke said as he looked at Amzie.

"I know that. Maybe I should just give up and accept the fact that I'm not gonna find anything good and Emma's gonna hate me for the next six months." Amzie said with a sigh as she sat down.

"How about a song?" Luke suggested before Amzie looked at him.

"—a song?—as a present for Emma?" Amzie asked before Luke nodded.

"Yeah. You can write it, perform it yourself, do it up real big." Luke said.

"That's not bad. I don't know how to write a song." Amzie said before Luke chuckled.

"What has two thumbs and knows how to help his fiancée write a song? This guy." Luke said before Amzie chuckled.

"Okay, how about this?" Luke asked before he played a melody on the keyboard.

"I love that, but you really think we're gonna be able to have a whole song ready by E's birthday?" Amzie asked after she sat up.

"No worries. I'll get a banging band here, some girls to back you up, lights. It'll be the chiz." Luke said before he took a sip of his lemonade.

"What is chiz anyway?" Amzie asked before Luke shrugged.

"I think it's a German sausage. Let's get back to the lyrics." Luke said before Amzie groaned.

"No. I can't write lyrics. Just play more stuff on your thingy." Amzie said before Luke chuckled.

"I'll help you. When you think of Emma, what's the first word that pops in your head?" Luke asked.

"Crazy, but I love her."

"Have you told her that lately?" Luke asked.

"No. Are you sure this stuff is gonna help us write a song?" Amzie asked before Luke looked at her.

"Let's see. You might be crazy, but have I told you lately that I love you." Luke sang as he played the melody.

"You're good."

"We're all meeting at Nozu tonight, right?" Riley asked before Amzie looked at her.

"What are you talking about?"

"It's our dinner date, remember? Just the three of us." Maya said before Riley nodded.

"Oh my God. That's tonight? Guys, I'm so sorry. Tonight is Emma's birthweek. I'll make it up to you guys. I promise. Tomorrow night, it's just the three of us and bad reality television." Amzie said before Riley and Maya chuckled.

"I'm home."

"Happy birthweek!" Morgan, Christina, Bertram, Zuri, and Ravi chorused after Emma walked in.

"Mom! Dad! Guys!"

"Make a wish." Morgan said before Emma blew her candles out.

"Okay. Where's Z and Lukey?" Emma asked after she noticed they weren't there.

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