"Yes Lara I would. I'll keep searching for the apartment side by side and take care of him as well."

"I don't need anyone's help." I heard Mr. Ainsworth grumble and walk towards us using the walking stick.

"God Julian! Just go lie down again." Lara yelled and guided him back to the bed.

"I can take care of myself." He again muttered.

"Yes you can. But you'll need someone for assistance. And who is better than your assistant?" She smiled as she took his stick and kept it near the bed.


"Julian James Ainsworth! Stop grumbling this instant and go to sleep. Isabella is staying here and that is final." Lara fumed and I widened my eyes.

"Whatever." He huffed and closed his eyes.


"Take care." She wiped a tear and gave a last glance at Mr. Ainsworth who sat on the what seemed a really expensive couch rolling his eyes.

"I'm not paralysed, you know."

"Shut up." She huffed and giving me a hug and a knowing smile, left.

"You want me to take you back upstairs?" I asked him in the sweetest voice possible and walked to him.

"I can walk." He muttered and lifted his weight up on the walking stick. Within a second, he flinched and flopped back on the couch.

I stood in front of him and gave him my hand to get up. He reluctantly sighed and took my hand, wrapping his warm one around mine. He attempted to get up and I quickly rushed off to give him my shoulder to lean on.

"Sometimes it's better to take someone's help." I smiled as we ascended on to the stairs.


I pushed his bedroom's door open as we reached it. He grumbled and made complaints as I got him to pay down on the bed.

"I'm your boss. You are supposed to follow my orders, not the other way around." He groaned again as I covered him with the sheets.

"We are not working right now." I smirked and stood up to leave him to sleep.

"So where are you going now?"

"I'll get the food ready. Your housekeeper...Miss Lily is not here so I'll take care of the food." I reacalled Lara's long lecture.

"Where is she?"

"Her grandaughter is sick. So she's gone to take care of her." I shrugged.


"Take some rest." I mumbled and left the room, gently closing the door behind me.

I entered into his big kitchen and started looking for the items just as Lara had instructed me. The kitchen was well organised, so everything was done easily. Within a forty five minutes the creamy Italian sausage soup was ready, steam pouring out of the bowl. I kept it on a tray and made my way towards his room.

I slowly opened the door, expecting to find him sleeping. But, he was lying with his head against the bed's headrest deep in thought.

"I told you to sleep?"

"Woah! Are you planning to give me a heart attack!?"

"You did not realise I was here?"

"Nope. Got me somethin'?" He pointed at the tray.

"Yes. Some creamy Italian sausage soup by Chef Isabella." I joked and carried the tray up like a waitress.

"Chef. Both of us know who's got the better cooking skills there, sweets." He mocked.

"So should I like take this back or..."

"No no no...I'll have it."

He shifted on the bed so that I had some place to sit. Then using his left hand, he tried to pick up the spoon, but it obviously landed back on the bowl.

"I'll help you." I rolled my eyes.

"No. I can do it." He tried the thing again but to no avail. He sighed and gave up.

"Told you already." I grinned and picked up the spoon. I blew some air on it given that it was still a bit hot.

"I hope this is not the dangerous Hot Spicy soup you had got me that day."

"Ha. No it isn't."

I brought the spoon closer to his mouth. With an impresed expression he inhaled the smell and then finally opened his mouth taking it all in. He closed his eyes for a few seconds. Shit. I didn't forget to put the salt, did I? That is why I should always check food before serving.

"Mmm. My company has got you some cooking skills, hasn't it?"


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