Chapter 50: A Lesson?

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Lauren's POV
"So you're telling me, you haven't spoken to him since last night?" Alyssa asked me.

I'm currently at Angie's house with my three besties discussing my love life. Ah, what a wonderful topic. Note the sarcasm.

"Correction, I last spoke to him around 5 something, this morning. So I haven't spoken to him since this morning," I corrected her.

Ever since Alex dropped me off this morning, I haven't slept. It's currently 1:48 pm and I haven't slept ever since I woke up.

"So how long is this break going to last?" Taylor asked me. And that's a question I didn't want them to ask me.

Because I don't know.

All I told Alex was that we just need some time apart from each other. There is no time limit.

"I have no idea." And that was the truth. My besties look at me. They didn't know what to say. But honestly, neither did I.
"So, you guys aren't talking?" Angela asked me and I nod my head.
"Nope. We aren't. Seeing him at school is going to be hard, but also sleeping. I never realized how accustomed I was sleeping with his arms around me. That's why I haven't slept. Not having him with me feels strange," I explained.

This is making me really rethink my decision.

"Do you think I made a mistake?" I asked my friends. They all look at me wide-eyed.
"What do you mean?" Taylor asked.
"Do you guys think I made a mistake by taking a break from Alex?" I asked with clarification.

I know I was making a point with Alex showing him I'm not going to stand down with what I want. But it hurts.

It hurts to be away from him.

"Lauren, you made the decision. It's been done. I'm not saying it was the best idea, but I'm also not saying it was the worst idea. You just need to go with your gut and what will work for your relationship. Remember, relationships can be tough, so sometimes to make a relationship work you need some time apart. Just go with your gut feeling on this and relax," Taylor tells me. And she's right.

I already made a decision about this. What can I do now? It's not like I can reverse time. I just have to go with my gut.

And my gut is telling me I miss Alex, but I need to stand my grounds.


School was even harder.

Angela and I walk into school and the first person I see is him. The second my eyes land him, his eyes lock on me. I use all my might to revert my eyes away from him.

I just walk straight ahead, towards my locker. I walk to my locker and avoid all the eyes that are on me.

"Lauren," I hear someone call out to me. I turn around and I see Damien walk over to me.

I wonder what he wants.

"Lauren, can I talk to you?" Damien asks me.
"Well, you already are talking to me so I guess so," I told him and he sent me a dry look.
"Your sarcasm is very appreciated," he says dryly. "Anyway, what is going on with you and Alex?"

Ah, the name I was hoping to avoid hearing today. But of course, my wishes are never granted.

"How about you go ask him," I suggest.
"I already tried. He dodged any conversation that has to do with you this weekend and today. And the fact that you didn't even acknowledge him when you came in, I knew something was definitely up. So spill the beans!" Ian yelled.
"I don't feel like talking about it Ian," I tell him.
"Why not?" he asked me.
"Because I don't. Now can you just drop it? I don't want to talk about him, Damien," I tell him sternly.

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