Chapter 43: Anything For You, Love

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(This chapter is very long. So brace yourself for a 6,000+ word chapter. I legit did not know when to stop lol. This chapter is adorable, funny, and might make you mad. Anyway enjoy the chapter!)

*Christmas Eve*

Lauren's POV
Today is Christmas Eve. This past week I've been doing last minute Christmas shopping. I had to look for an outfit for tonight, wrapping paper, and gift bags.

Alex is picking me up at 5 which is in about half an hour since it's 4:28 pm. And I'm just finishing up my makeup.

I hope I make a good impression on his parents. I hope they like me. It'll be so bad if they hate me.

God, I hope they like me. Goddammit, why did I have to start freaking out?


I hear my phone go off and then I realized I received a text from my boyfriend. Perfect timing.

Alex|My Cocky Jerk ❤️:
>> Hey Princess

<< Hi baby

Alex|My Cocky Jerk ❤️:
>> Are you ready to meet my parents?

<< Not really
<< I mean, I am
<< I'm just a bit nervous

Alex|My Cocky Jerk ❤️:
>> Why are you nervous, beautiful?
>> They're gonna love you

<< You really think so?

Alex|My Cocky Jerk ❤️:
>> I know so
>> Don't be nervous

<< Ok, I'll try

Alex|My Cocky Jerk ❤️:
>> Ok, baby
>> I'm gonna start heading over to your place in a little bit

<< Ok I'll see you soon
<< Bye baby

Alex|My Cocky Jerk ❤️:
>> Bye señorita 😘

I smiled to myself and I turn off my phone. I finish getting ready and then later I just wait for my boyfriend to come pick me up.

*4:59 pm*

I'm in my room putting on my little black booties and I receive a text from my boyfriend.

Alex|My Cocky Jerk ❤️:
>> I'm here

I read the text and I quickly reply.

<< I'm going

I grab my jacket and purse. I put my phone in my purse and I walk downstairs.

Once I get to the door, I unlock it and open it. It then reveals my handsome boyfriend waiting for me.

"Wow," he said looking stunned. He walked inside the house and his eyes were just filled with pure love and adoration. He was wearing a black long sleeve with a brown leather jacket and black jeans. And he had a cute little red Santa hat to keep with the Christmas spirit.

He looked so good.

But then I registered what he had said and that he was still in awe.

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