Chapter 40: Do You Pinky Swear?

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(The chapter you've all been waiting for. This chapter is Lauren and Alex's first official date. I tried to make it as adorable and sweet as possible. Also, nothing r rated is happening here so don't get your hopes up lol. And don't play the song yet, I'll let you know when. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!)

*Previously on Laurex ~ A Cinderella Story*

Lauren caught up her friends on everything that happened between her and Alex. Then Lauren and Alex both got ready for their date from the help of their friends. And Alex picked up Lauren from her house and gave her a passionate kiss before he started driving. And now they are off to the first destination for their first date. Now back to the story.

Lauren's POV
"Oh really?" he asked me, smirking.

I'm currently in Alex's car as he drives me to the first place of our date. Before he started to drive, he decided to give me a kiss that left me lightheaded.

He admitted that my lips are addicting. And then I admitted that his are as well. And now I regret it because he's going to tease me about it. Like he is now.

"Don't get all cocky, babe. You said my lips are addicting as well," I told him and he let out a small chuckle.
"Well, they are. I'm sorry, babe," he said, grabbing my left hand with his right. "But you know that's impossible considering cocky is my middle name." He then kissed the top of my hand at a stop light.
"Oh really?" I asked him. And he nodded, smiling hard. "That's believable."
"Thanks, babe," he said, a bit offended. He probably thought I was going to disagree.

But if I disagreed, then I'm lying.

"You're welcome, babe. But now that's gotten me thinking, what is your middle name? You've never actually told me your middle name," I said. He then stayed quiet. "Alex?"
"Yes, love?" he responded.
"How come you never told me your middle name?" I asked him.
"Because I don't have a middle name," he said.
"Oh really?" I asked him. And he nodded. "I don't believe it."
"I'm telling you the truth," he says. He's crazy if he thinks he's fooling me.
"C'mon, Alex! Tell me! I told you my middle name," I said.

He always says he doesn't have one, but I call bullshit.

"Alex, why won't you tell me your middle name?" I asked him.
"Because, it's embarrassing," he said. Oh, that's why.
"It can't be that bad. You're probably over exaggerating," I told him and he shook his head. He had now both hands on the wheel.
"I'm not. You're probably going to laugh," he said.
"Babe, I'm not gonna laugh," I said.

Why would I laugh at his middle name?

"Yes you are," he argued.
"No, I'm not," I told him.
"Do you promise not to laugh?" he asked me and I nodded. "Do you pinky swear?"
"Yes, Alex. I pinky swear," I promised.

He then put up his right pinky and I stretched my right pinky and we intertwined them. And we locked it.

"Ok, I pinky swore, now please tell me your middle name," I said and he sighed.
"Ok, here we go," he started off. "My middle name is Justine." Huh? Excuse me?
"Wait, what? Your middle name is Justine?" I asked him. He stayed quiet but nodded. "But isn't that a girl name?"

I told him I wasn't going to laugh. I swore I wasn't gonna laugh. Wait, actually, I PINKY swore I wasn't gonna laugh. So I can't laugh. Even if I want to. I just have to keep it in.  For him.

"Yes, it is. That's why it's embarrassing to have a girl's name in your name. No one knows about this except my family," he said.
"Not even Damien knows?" I asked him. And he shook his head.
"That kid would never let it go. He would definitely use it to annoy the crap out of me," my boyfriend said.
"So I'm the first person who isn't family to know about your middle name?" I asked him and he nodded. "How come?"
"Because I trust that you won't tell anyone and you did pinky swear for me," he said, putting his right hand on my thigh.

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