Chapter 21: Stop Laughing, Princess!

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Lauren's POV
So according to Alex, the first stop is to the diner for breakfast. He drove there and it was pretty empty, unlike other times he had brought me. But then again it was 8:36 am so either people are at school, at work, or at home asleep. Either way, it was mostly empty. We entered and sat at our usual booth.

"So what do you recommend for breakfast, Alex?" I asked him.
"Waffles with french toast and bacon. Bomb as fuck!" he said. I looked at the menu and read pancakes and my eyes lit up.
"Ooh. I rather have pancakes with french toast and sausages," I said and he looked confused.
"Why pancakes?" he asked.
"Don't get me wrong, waffles are good, but pancakes are SO much better," I told him.
"Nuh-uh! Waffles are WAY better than pancakes!" he argued.
"Nuh-uh! Pancakes are better!" I argued back.
"No they aren't!" he said back.
"Yes, they are!" I argued back.
"You know whatever. I don't have any more energy to argue with you. But waffles are still better," he said. No, they aren't. "Let's just drop the argument. Agreed?"
"Agreed," I said.
"So, how come you chose sausage over bacon?" he asked me.
"Oh I hate bacon," I said and his jaw dropped. (So I don't know if Lauren likes bacon irl, but Lauren in this story is based on me and I hate bacon does this Lauren lol.)
"You hate bacon?" he asked me.
"Y-yeah why?" I asked him.
"It's just, how can you hate bacon? Bacon is the best thing in the entire world," he said.
"That's just an opinion, your opinion. And my opinion is that bacon is disgusting," I said and he looked offended.
"But how can you hate bacon?" he asked again.
"I don't know. I just hate bacon," I said.
"You're weird," he said.
"And so are you. So we're even," I told him. And he gave me a dry look and then smiled.
"You got me there, princess," he said. And I smiled.

Then a few minutes later a waiter came and took our orders. The usual waitress who takes our order wasn't here, so a waiter that I've seen before came to take our order.

"Good morning folks, my name is Nathan and I'll be taking your order today," the waiter, Nathan said.
"Hi, can I get pancakes with french toast and sausages?" I asked.
"Of course cutie, how much of each?" he asked me. I was a little surprised when he called me "cutie" but it didn't really bother me. But I think it bothered Alex.
"Can I have 2 of each," I said.
"Ok, and you sir, what would you like?" Nathan asked him.
"I'll have waffles, french toast, and bacon. Three of each," Alex responded.
"Ok, you got it. How about drinks?" he asked us.
"I'll have an orange juice," I said.
"I'll have the same," Alex replied.
"Ok, coming right up," he said. He put his notepad away and he sent me a quick wink and walked away. Well ok then.

I know Alex caught that wink he sent me because he didn't look happy.

"Alex are you ok?" I asked him.
"Yeah I'm fine," he answered. I can hear the anger in his voice.
"You don't seem fine. Want to talk about it?" I asked him.
"There's nothing to talk about, Lauren. I said I'm fine," he snapped. Ok, so you aren't fine.
"I don't know what your problem is, but that doesn't give you the right to snap at me!" I said. If I don't let my foster mother or foster sisters talk to me like that, neither can he.
"Lauren, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm sorry, it's just-can we just change the subject?" he asked. And I nodded. The atmosphere shifted and we were left with awkwardness.

But what kept racing through my mind was...did I seriously make Alex Burriss jealous of that guy for flirting with me? What the-

I was interrupted by Nathan coming back with our drinks. And then he left.

Alex and I talked and it wasn't awkward anymore. Thank god because I hate awkwardness.

After a while, we received our food and continued on with our conversation. Then once we were finished, Alex asked for the check so he could pay.

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