Chapter 14: You Look Half Dead

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Lauren's POV
"Can you repeat that again?" Alyssa asked. I was currently having a Group FaceTime call with my 3 besties.
"Alex kissed my neck and my jaw and also nibbled on my ear lobe," I said and once again all their jaws dropped.
"Oh my god! What did you do?" Angela asked me.
"I didn't do anything. I was in shock," I said. And it was true. I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know what he was doing at first.
"Did you say anything?" Taylor asked me.
"All I kept saying was, 'Alex. Alex.' But he would continue doing what he was doing and ignored me," I said.
"Damn. Well, why did he stop?" Angie asked me.
"He stopped because he received a call. I'm pretty sure it was his brother," I told them.
"If it wasn't for that call, what would've happened?" Tay asked.
"He would've kissed me. We would've kissed," I blurted out. And once again they were left in shock.

I tell my besties everything. So what happened between me and Alex, I had to tell them. Meaning I had to tell them, minutes after he left.

"Oh my god! Did he say anything before he left?" Alyssa asked. And I flashback to what his exact words were.
"He said, he had to go and he would see me in class tomorrow," I replied.
"We want to know all of it. I know you too well, Lauren. You aren't telling us everything he said. What else did he say?" Angie asked me. Oh right, I forgot about the last part he said. The part he whispered in my ear.
"He said, 'We should definitely do that again. But next time I won't skip the lips," I responded to them while avoiding their eyes.
"WHAT?" they all exclaimed.
"Can you guys chill? You guys are overreacting," I said to them.
"NO! I think you're underreacting!" Alyssa said. What does that even mean?
"What?" I asked.

I love Alyssa, but sometimes she can be a bit confusing when she doesn't word her sentences correctly.

"She means that you are taking this too calmly. Like you should be freaking out about it," Taylor explained.
"Thank you, Taylor," Alyssa said. "But seriously why aren't you freaking out about this?"
"I don't know. Maybe because it shouldn't really matter to me," I said. "It's just Alex. The jerk we all go to school with. That same jerk that I sit next to in Spanish. The same jerk-"
"That you danced all night with on Friday. The same jerk you almost kissed that night. The same jerk that has had intimate moments with you multiple times," Angela said. "The same jerk that took you out to make sure you were happy. He is that jerk."
"I know he is. But it doesn't affect me," I said. But it didn't look like they believed me.
"Or it just hasn't hit you yet," Alyssa said.
"Yeah right," I responded to her.

And then hours later, when I'm in bed trying to fall asleep. But I can't. And the reason for that is, it finally hit me.

Alex almost kissed me today. His lips were so close to mine. If it weren't for his brother calling him, he would've kissed me. Alyssa was right, it hadn't hit me yet.

Hell no.

I currently have that moment replaying in my head. And that's all I can think about. His lips. His soft lips pressed against my skin. The way how he moved so slowly, letting his lips linger on my skin. Just thinking about it makes my skin feel hot.

(Lauren then started to trace her fingers on the parts of her body where Alex kissed her.)

No. I have to stop that. I need to let that go.

I should stop thinking about this and just get some sleep.

(So that's what she tries. She tosses and turns, but can't fall asleep.)

Get out of my fucking head, Alex! Get the fuck out already! Ugh! Why the fuck is this happening to me?!!!

It's 2:51 am and I can't sleep. Ugh! All I can think about is him. Why is he still stuck in my head? I need to sleep! Ugh!

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