Chapter 26: Exhale

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(Don't play the song yet. I'll let you know when.)

*Previously on Laurex ~ A Cinderella Story*

"I was wondering if you want to go out with me sometime?" he asked me.
"What?" I asked.
"I asked if you want to go out with me?" he asked again.
"Like on a date?" I asked.
"Yeah, a date," he responded.
"Uh, I don't know, Jeremy," I said.

Lauren's POV
"So Ella, what do you say?" he asked.
"Uh...I-" I then get interrupted by a phone call. "Jeremy, can you give me a sec?" And he nodded.

I walked away from him and answered the call.

L- Hello?
M- Where the hell are you, raggedy bitch?

And I groaned. Out of all people that could've called me, it had to be Monica. Seriously?

L- Ugh, Monica. What do you want?
M- Don't "ugh" me, bitch. I asked you a damn question. Where the hell are you?
L- Who wants to know?
M- My mother.

Ugh. Why is Natasha already up? Why world, why?

L- What does she want?
M- She wants her breakfast. Now.
L- Well I'm at the grocery store so she's gonna have to wait.
M- Nuh-uh! My momma wants her breakfast now, bitch.
L- Monica if you keep talking to me like that you're gonna regret it.
M- You need to stop threatening me.
L- I already told you. This isn't a threat. This is a promise. So shut your trap. Your mother will have her breakfast when I get home. Bye.

I heard her voice. But I ignored it when I hung up. I was done with that conversation.

Welp looks like I have to leave. But I got to say bye to Jeremy first.

So I walked back to him and said, "Sorry Jeremy, wish I could stay and chat but I have to go."
He scratched the back of his neck. "Oh, it's ok. I'll see you another time, hopefully on a date?" he asked with a smile. Oh, right he asked me out.
I let out a nervous laugh. "Look, Jeremy, you're a great guy and I really like talking to you, but I'm sorry I have to say no," I told him.

I felt bad for rejecting him, but 1) I'm a minor 2) I see him more as a friend than anything else. 3) I'm a minor. 4) It wouldn't be fair to him or me. 5) I'm a minor!

He looked at me with wide eyes and then those eyes looked a bit down. Oh fuck. I did that. Shit. "Oh ok, but if you mind me asking, why?" he asked me.

Funny that I just listed 5 reasons in my head. Sure, 3 of those reasons were repeated, but I had to justify that part.

"You're an amazing guy but I only see you as a friend. I feel like if I do go on a date with you, I'd feel even more bad about rejecting you. This is still hard, but I couldn't do that to you later," I said. I feel like a complete bitch right now.
"I understand. I'm glad you're being honest with me right now instead of leading me on," he said with a laugh at the end.
"True. I would feel like a complete asshole if I would have put you through that," I told him truthfully.

I hope I never do that to anyone and no one does that to me. That's just playing with a girl's heart and that's just cruel. (Huh? That reminds me of someone. Someone I know or used to know. Maybe he should take some notes. 🤔)

"But you would never do that to anyone. Your heart is too good to hurt someone like that," he said and that made me smile.
"Thanks, Jeremy," I told him and he flashed me a smile.
"You're welcome, Ella. Well, I'll let you go. Hopefully, I'll see you again at the club. Maybe when there isn't a shooting," he said.
"Yup, anyway, bye Jeremy," I said and I walked away.

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