Chapter 31: Ugh, Fuck You Feelings

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(This chapter is all in Lauren's POV and its taking place from when Alex was telling her that he has to leave. This is where I'm starting. And the next chapter will be in Alex's POV so you can see what happened once he got to the warehouse. Also, brace yourself for a wave of emotions. Ok enjoy the chapter.)

Lauren's POV
Alex and I were arguing over a stupid rematch for a staring contest. Damn, I never realized how competitive we were with each other. And in the heat of intimidating the other, we called each other "babe", which made my heart race.

But now Alex is on the phone with I don't know who. And it doesn't seem like Alex is happy. He's doing hand gestures and he does that when he's mad.

I hope it's not that big of a deal.

I'm just on my phone waiting for him, but I can't keep my eyes off him. I just want to comfort him. I wish I could do that.

A few seconds later, he finally hung up and he walked towards me.

"Hey Alex, everything ok?" I asked him in a worried tone.
"Y-yeah. I just need to go," he replied. Wait, what? He's leaving?
"Why? Are you going to ditch school?" I asked him. Why is he going to ditch school? Usually, he would ditch t-to see a girl...
"Technically. But I don't have a choice," he said. What do you mean "you don't have a choice"?
"You're gonna go meet up with a girl, huh?" I asked him. I just had to ask.
"No. I swear I'm not," he said to me.
"Then where are you going?" I asked. If he isn't going to a booty call, then where is he going?
"I can't tell you," he said. Of course, he can't.

Yup, he's going to see a girl. Of course, he is. He's Alex. Alex Burriss. The guy who can get any girl. The biggest player in my school. It totally makes sense for him to hook up with a bunch of girls.

"Why?" I asked him.
"Because I can't. I'm sorry, I know that's a shitty response, but I just can't. I'm sorry, Princess," he said. Yeah, that was a shitty response.
"It's fine, Alex," I said, looking away from him.
"Are you sure?" he asked me.
"Yes, Alex. Now go," I said, trying to hold back the tears I feel that are threatening to come out. Ugh, fuck you feelings.
"Ok, bye Princess," he said. I noticed he opened up his arms for a hug. A part of me wants to walk into his arms and give him a hug, but I can't right now. And I won't.
"Bye," I said and walked away.

I didn't turn around. I felt his gaze on me. But I didn't care. I just needed to get away from him.

I went to the restroom and I walked into a stall. Thankfully no one was in the bathroom at this moment. I felt the tears slowly start going down my cheeks.

Ugh! Why am I crying over some boy? Ugh! What's wrong with me?

I then began to hyperventilate. Oh no. I think I'm gonna have an anxiety attack.

(Lauren started to hyperventilate a bit loud and her vision became blurry. She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to pass out again.)

I-I need someone. Now. Wait.

"Hey, Siri!" I yelled and my phone lit up. "Call Angie!"
"Calling 'Angie|My Main Ho ❤️" Siri said.

A- Hello?
L- Angie! I need help.
A- Why? Where are you?
L- Bathroom!

I need to relax.

A- What's going on?

I can hear the worry in her tone. I know she's probably speeding to the restroom right now.

L- Anxiety attack! I'm having one right now! I need help!
A- Stay with me Laur, please! I'm about to get to the restroom. Just keep talking to me.
L- I can't breathe.

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