Chapter 47: The Devil Called Too Soon

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*First Day of 2nd Semester*

Lauren's POV
"Quick question, why ain't your boyfriend taking you to school?" Angie asked me. One of the first things my best friend tells me when I enter her car.

What an amazing way to start my day.

Especially a day like this. The day I start my second semester of senior year. My last semester of high school is finally here. And my best friend asked me why my boyfriend didn't drive me to school.

Does this bitch not want me here?

"Don't get me wrong boo, I love taking you to school, but I honestly thought Alex was gonna drive you."

Considering Alex and I are now a couple, it would make sense for him to take me to school. But as much as I love him, I still want to hang with my girls.

"Well, he and I talked about it. He offered to take me to school, but I don't want things to change just because I'm in a relationship," I explained and it seemed like she understood.
"I'm glad you aren't going to forget us even if you're dating the love of your life," Angela said.
"I could never forget you guys. All three of you are my best friends for a reason," I tell her. She smiled and continued on with the drive.

We drove to Starbucks and picked up our drinks we ordered online. Then we drove to school.

We listened to music and discussed how much we did not want to go back to the hell hole. But as always, we get out of bed and leave for school. But this is an important semester. It's our final one in high school. After this one, we're done with high school forever.

I should stop thinking about that. And fuck, we're now at school.

"Welcome back to hell!" my best friend exclaimed. I laughed as she said that. But c'mon, she's being honest.
"Where's the lie?" I asked laughing and we shook our heads slightly as we laughed.

We got out of the car and walked inside the school. We walked down the hallway to find our lockers. After texting with Alex this morning, he told me he'll meet me at my locker.

I get to my locker and I unlock it. I put my Starbucks inside it and check my schedule to see what classes I'll be having today. I grab my English folder and my Spanish binder. I check myself in my mirror and then I see footsteps near my locker.

My eyes trail up to see who those feet belong to and it's none other than my boyfriend, Alex. I smile at the sight of him and he sends me that boyish grin of his.

"Hey Princess," he greets me. He pulls me into a hug and I hug him tightly. I inhale his scent and all my worries for today feel as if they washed away.
"Hey Prince," I whisper in his ear. I've never actually called him this so it feels a bit odd. And I can tell it caught him off guard as well. He pulls away and looks at me.
"Prince? Is that a nickname you're trying out?" he asked me, chuckling.

I look down as I feel the redness increasing on my cheeks. He lifts my chin with his finger so I'm looking at him.

"I didn't mean to offend you, sweetheart. I just never heard you call me that before," he explains with a sincere look in his eyes.
"I know you didn't. I just wanted a cute nickname for you, that's all," I said.
"I don't need a nickname from you. And to be completely honest, you already have one for me," he says. And I was confused and he got that from the face I made. "You know the one on your phone. It's not necessarily a nickname I love, but I don't hate it either."

Ohhh. He's talking about how I call him The Cocky Jerk. I mean for the longest time he earned that nickname. And sometimes he still deserves it.

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