Chapter 16: I'm Sorry, What?

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(Two weeks later)

Lauren's POV
These past two weeks have been interesting. So Alex and I have been hanging out a bit less. His basketball practices have started so he is a bit busier, but he told me that he'll always make time for his princess. And of course when he said that, he smirked and I rolled my eyes but blushed at the same time.

So he and I are hanging out after school for a bit. He said he'll ditch practice for a bit, but as I tried to convince him not to ditch practice, he was persistent about his decision. I'm mad he wouldn't listen to me, but at the same time, I'm kind of happy he is ditching practice.

I like hanging out with him, but I don't like the dirty looks I've been getting. Everyone has been talking about how they hate how Alex gives me attention. I've never been the center attention before and hanging with Alex has made me the center of attention. Making me front and center to easily make fun of me. And that terrifies me.

(Lauren heads to her locker after lunch. She grabs what she needs for her next class and she overhears other people talking about her.)

"Can you believe Alex? Why the hell is he wasting his time with that nerdy bitch?!" I hear someone ask.
"I have no idea! She's probably just his charity case. There's no way someone that hot can be with someone that ugly," I hear someone else say.
"Honestly! She's such a fucking idiot if she thinks she has a chance with him," the first person said.
"Right! She's such a loser! She needs to open her eyes and remember that this is real life, not a fucking movie!" the other person said. (It's actually a Wattpad book, for your information bitch!) Then they both laughed. I recognize their voices but I can't figure out who they are.

Maybe they're right! Why am I being so stupid? There has to be another reason why Alex hangs out with me. There has to be! God, I'm so fucking stupid! There's no way in hell someone like him would want to waste his time with me?

(As Lauren is about to close her locker, Alyssa comes up to her.)

"Hey, Laur, let's go to- wait what's wrong?" she asked me.
"Nothing. Let's go to class," I said, trying hold in my emotions.
"Tell me. Lauren, did someone say something to you," Alyssa asked me. Not to my face.
"No, Alyssa. Now let's go to class," I said while closing my locker.
"Lauren, tell me. Did someone say something to you?" she asked me.
"Um...maybe," I said. She then looked at who I was looking at and she looked furious.
"Oh hell no!" Alyssa yelled.

And this is when my best friend Alyssa showed her loyal side as a best friend. She marched towards the two girls who were talking shit about me.

"Oh hell no! Nobody fucking talks shit about one of my best friends! You mess with her, you mess with me! And you best fucking believe you don't want to mess with me!" she yelled at the two girls who I realize are Amber and Chelsea, two girls in my grade.
"Shut the fuck up, Alyssa! Get away from us bitch!" Amber snarled at Alyssa.
"Nope! You can't fucking tell me to shut the fuck up you bitch! You fucking mess with one of my best friends and shit going to get ugly! If you don't fucking keep your fucking mouth shut, I'll make sure it's fucking shut! Do you fucking understand?" Alyssa asked angrily. Chelsea didn't seem fazed by Alyssa's threat. Amber on the other hand did.
"You may fucking scare Amber, but you can't fucking scare me, Alyssa. And you know it," Chelsea said.
"Oh, I didn't mean to scare her. It was just a threat. Because nobody messes with my best friends," Alyssa said to her. I've never seen Alyssa this angry before.
"The fact that your puny friend can't even defend her ass, proves my point about Alex wasting his sweet ass time," Chelsea said to her and gave me a tight smile. Ok, that's it.

I tend to not get into this type of shit, but fuck this bitch.

"You know what Chelsea, you know nothing, absolutely nothing about me and Alex. He is my friend and you're just so fucking jealous that he actually cares about me. You're just jealous that you've been hitting on him for so long and he barely knows you exist. So shut the fuck up and leave me alone!" I yelled in her face.
"Oh, he'll realize what a fucking sad ass bitch you are and I'll have my arms wide open for him," Chelsea said and winked.
"Don't you mean you'll have your legs wide open. Because all you want his sex. And even if he does agree to do it with you, you'll just be another bitch he gives no fucks about that he slept with," I said. And damn that felt good to say.

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