Chapter 45: Just Stay, Ok

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(This chapter is all in Alex's POV. And you're gonna learn something about a character that might touch a touchy subject. Just a quick warning. Remember this story, I try to depict how unfair life can be. So bare with me. Anyway enjoy the chapter!)

*New Year's Eve*

Alex's POV
Aaron is a fucking asshole. Out of all the nights he had to torture me of keeping me on a mission, it had to be on fucking NEW YEARS EVE!

Why, oh why, does my brother hate me?

As you can see it is currently 9:37 pm and it's New Year's Eve. I have less than 2 and a half hours to get out of here. I'm trying to make it back in time to celebrate the new year with my girlfriend.

"Alex!" I hear Damien call out to me.
"What's up, kid?" I reply.
"Aaron is calling you," he tells me. And now I'm madder.
"Alright, I'll go right now," I tell him. I ruffle his hair and he scowls. I let out a laugh and walk to my idiotic brother.

I walk towards the room my stupid brother is in and I knock. All I hear is a girl moaning and him groaning. Ugh.

Only he would fuck a girl on a mission.

"Aaron!" I yell as I knock loudly on his door. I continuing knocking on the door until somebody fucking opens it. And after like 4 minutes, his bitch ass finally opens the door.
"What?" he asked rudely.

His hair was all over the place. He had no shirt and he was wearing his pants low. He looked sweating and exhausted.

This is something I never wanted to see. The aftermath of my brother from sex. Gross.

"Damien said you were looking for me," I said. You can hear the annoyance in my voice. He scratches his head and speaks.
"Oh yeah, so how much have we sold tonight?" he asked me. Oh, the drugs.

Another night of drug sells. My favorite thing in the world.

I bet you can feel the sarcasm radiating off of me.

"We've sold about 3 crates of them," I replied. Crates are large shipping units. As you can tell, we use them to hold our drugs. And tonight we've sold so much that 3 of the crates are empty.
"That's great. Who has the money?" Aaron asked. The only thing he cares about is money.
"Mason. He's hiding it in one of the crates in the back. Oh by the way, when we're done with the sales, can I go?" I asked.
"Oh, that's right, it's a holiday and you probably want to spend time with your girlfriend, right?" he asked me in an unreadable tone. I hate it when he talks like this.
"Yeah, I do. I promised her I'd be with her before it turns midnight so I can celebrate the new year with her," I explained.

It's 9:44 pm and I'm still here. The party is at Angela's and probably an hour away. Probably more because of the traffic. I basically need to leave already.

"Oh, yeah totally. You can totally leave us to head back to our shipment warehouse on our own with no security. So we could possibly get caught picking up illegal drugs to sell. Yeah, go for it," he said calmly. He's talking to calm. Calmer than usual.
"I can't go, huh?" I asked. This is probably when he blows.
"Are you fucking serious? Of course, you can't go! We have more to pick up at 10:30. Which is why when we leave here, we're gonna head straight over there," Aaron explained.

I don't even feel like listening to the rest of his rant. I just want to go home and hang with my Princess. That's all I want right now. My Princess in my arms.

"So, that's a no?" I asked and I could tell he was getting annoyed. But honestly, at this point, I didn't care.
"YES! How many times do I have to tell you? You aren't leaving!" he yelled once more and went to another part of the warehouse.

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