Chapter 36: I Love You

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(Warning: This chapter will get you in the feels, just saying. If I make you cry, I'm sorry. And this chapter is all in Alex's POV so you'll see what was going through his head in the conversation he had with Lauren. And you'll also see what happened when she left. Alright, enjoy the chapter!)

*Previously on Laurex ~ A Cinderella Story*

Alex said things to Lauren that he didn't mean. But she doesn't know that. Alex broke not only her heart, but also his. And now he has to face the fact that he hurt Lauren. Now back to the chapter.

Alex's POV
"Are you fucking crazy? What makes you say that? What would make me want to be in love with her?" I asked. My gaze was then was traced back to Lauren. Please forgive me for saying this, Princess. "And you, you're stupid for believing him. I would never be in love with you. I never want to see you again. You might as well stop wasting your time and leave."
"You don't mean that Alex, do you?" she asked and I can see the tears forming in her eyes. Oh, fuck.

I'm such an asshole.

"I do. I will never love you, Lauren," I lied straight through my teeth. And I saw more of her tears come down. She then came closer to me and she slapped me. I definitely deserved that.
"Fuck you!" she yelled at me. "Fuck you, Alex! I wish I never fucking met you! I hope I never fucking see you again!" My heart broke seeing tears stream down her face.
"Lauren! Lauren!" Damien yelled and I felt sick to my stomach. Not only did my cheek hurt, but so did my heart.

I'm sorry, Princess.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you say that to her?" Damien asked me angrily. I was just still in my emotionless state. Because that's how I can describe myself from the outside right now.

But the inside is broken. So broken that I'm crying. I'm such an asshole.

"I had to," I said, still not showing any emotions.
"What do you mean, 'you had to'? If you love this girl, you wouldn't tell her that you'll never love her and that you never want to see her again! If you really love her, you wouldn't purposely hurt her and make her cry," Damien said.
"Damien! You know damn well I can't be with her. I would never be able to live with myself if I ever put her in danger. I'm doing this for her. No matter how much it hurts me," I said, and I felt my strong exterior, crack.

I miss her. I miss that girl so much. And I just ruined any chance I could've had with her. She's never gonna want anything with me after this.

"Alex, I get you want to save her and keep her safe, but you need to explain this to her. That girl is hurting because she thinks the guy that she's in love with doesn't love back," Damien yelled. Wait. She's in love with me?
"She's in love with me?" I asked him.
"Yes!" he yelled, gripping my shoulders. "God, you're both so fucking oblivious!"

If this was another time, I would have made a comment about him yelling at me, but right now I'm gonna let it slide since I kind of need it.

"How do you know?" I asked him.
"It's obvious! And she confirmed it," he said.

She loves me. She's in love with me. Wow.

"I can't believe she actually feels the same way about me," I said.
"She probably won't unless you go talk to her," Damien said.
"And say what? What the hell do I say? 'Oh, Lauren, don't believe any of the shit I said to you at my house. I was just doing this to protect you because I'm in a stupid gang my brother forced me into'. And then I can show her my gang symbol and we can confess our love to each other," I said sarcastically.
"Yeah!" Damien exclaimed.

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