Chapter 2: The Jerk

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Lauren's POV
Once I sat in my seat, I tried to fix my binder as best as I could. Why did I have to bump into Alex? Ugh and he's such a fucking asshole. He didn't even help me. But why did he call me princess? That was weird.

Anyway, while I'm fixing my binder, my best friend who is sitting next to me, taps on my shoulder.

"Hey Laur, what's wrong?" she asks. Well, Alex Jerk Burriss happened.
"Nothing," I say.
"C'mon, tell me," she nags. "Wait what happened to your binder?" Now she notices.
"Alex happened," I tell her. And she seemed shocked.
"What do you mean? Alex? Alexander Burriss? The hottest and most popular guy in school, that guy?" she asked. I nodded. "What did that bastard do?"
"He and I bumped into each other in the hallway. And from the impact, he made me drop my binder. And my papers fell out so now I have to fix it," I told her in an annoyed tone.
"Oof. Did he at least help you pick up your crap?" she asks and I shake my head.
"Hell no. He walked away and said he had to be somewhere and he told me to watch where I'm going next time," I said. I left out the part that he called me princess because it wasn't that important.
"Are you fucking kidding me? What a fucking dick?!" she yelled. Maybe a little too loud.
"Ms. Garcia, watch your language!" my teacher, Mr. Martinez scolded at her.
"Sorry," she apologized. "Ok, maybe that was a little loud."
"You think?" I said sarcastically.
"Ugh, stop with your sarcasm," she said. Haha, she hates sarcasm, she says it's annoying.
"Fine," I laughed softly.

After one boring class, I went straight to my next class. And I have Spanish next, yay. Note the sarcasm. I hate that class.

It's not that hard, but I just hate my classmates. They're annoying. Usually I have my earbuds plugged in, drowning out the sound of my annoying ass classmates. But not today.

"Muy bien clase, al parecer estamos teniendo un nuevo estudiante. Ha cambiado de uno de mis otros bloques. Y estoy bastante seguro de que todos ustedes saben quién es él," my teacher said. (Translation: "Alright class, we're having a new student. He has switched from one of my other blocks|periods|. And I'm pretty sure you all know who he is.")

Then the student walks and it's none of other than Alex Jerk Burriss. Oh c'mon.

"Sup everyone, you all know me. Alex Burriss, captain of the basketball team. Everyone's favorite guy," he said. Yeah right. You aren't my favorite, asshole.
"Señor Burriss, sabes que solo debes hablar español en esta clase," my teacher scolded at him. (Translation: "Mr. Burriss, you know you are only supposed to speak Spanish.")
"Yeah, yeah. Where am I going to sit? Or should I say, ¿dónde me voy a sentar?" he asked.
"Puedes sentarte al lado de la señorita Riihimaki," my teacher said pointing at the empty seat next to me. God dammit! (Translation: "You can sit next to miss Riihimaki.")
"Ok," he said. He then walked up to my desk and sat next to me and my teacher started the lesson.

Why? Why me? I loved sitting alone. No one could bother me. Now I sit next to this idiot here.

"So princess, we meet again," he said to me with a smirk. I just want to smack that smirk right off his face.
"Leave me alone, jerk," I said to him while I was writing what was on the board.
"I'm hurt, princess. What did I do to be called a jerk?" he asked me. And I rolled my eyes.
"Well since the way you treated me this morning during our little encounter, I'm pretty sure you deserve that title," I told him.
"Alright, alright, I deserve that. But you just caught me in the wrong time, princess. I needed to get to class," he said. That's a shocker that he was going to class.
"What? You actually show up to class? That's new," I teased.
"I go to class.....sometimes," he said. That's accurate. "But I'm not always like that, princess. I'm a nice, hot guy." And I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah and apparently a cocky one too," I added. And he laughed.
"What can I say, it's not new that I'm the hottest guy in school," he said. You also have a big head that goes with that huge ego. "Oh, by the way, thanks for agreeing that I'm hot, princess." Wait, what?
"I never said that," I argued.
"You also didn't deny it," he added. Damn, he got me there.
"Oh..." I said.
"It's ok, princess. Even if you did deny it, I would've known you were lying. Because who would say I'm not hot," he said.
"You're so egotistical," I told him.
"Tell me something I don't know, princess," he said emphasizing "princess."
"You know Alex, I have a name. Usually, people call me by it, I don't know why? Probably because that's my name," I told him. I'm shocked that my teacher hasn't told us anything for talking. But then again she doesn't really care because so is everyone else.
"I know your name, Lauren. I just rather have my own nickname for you that only I can call you by. And also, princess suits you," he told me.
"How does it suit me?" I asked him. I really wanted to know.
"I don't know it, it just does. I figured you'd prefer this nickname that the other people give you," he said. True. People usually call me a nerd and a dork. And also the girl without a life, considering I barely go out because of stupid Natasha.
"True, but I don't think princess is the best way to describe me," I said.
"But I do," he said. And that was the last thing he said for the rest of the block.

After class, I went to my locker to leave my binder from the 1st block and my notebooks. Then I went to the lunch line to get food. Then I went to my usual table to meet up with my friends in the dining hall.

My friends consist of obviously Angela, but also my other 2 best friends; Taylor and Alyssa.

"Hey guys," I greeted them while I sat in my seat.
"Hey Laur," they all said.
"Oh Lauren, Angie was saying that you bumped into Alex Burriss. What happened?" Taylor asked me. I've known Taylor since 8th grade, she's more of the gossiper in the group because she always has drama to spill to us. The good thing about her is that she keeps our secrets.
"Well I was rushing to Martinez's class and I bumped into him. Because of the impact, I dropped my papers from my binder. And then that jerk didn't help out. He just walked away," I told my friends.
"What an asshole," Alyssa said. I've known Alyssa since freshman year. She's really sweet and kind of loud like Taylor, but defensive and stands up to people like Angela. She's a really good friend to have.
"Yeah I know," I replied to her.
"Laur, what did you do in Spanish since I have that class next?" Taylor asked me.
"Um, we did the warm up and then she made us do cornell notes," I responded.
"Awe fuck, I hate cornell notes," she said.
"I do too, but I still did them," I told her.
"True," she responded.
"Anyways speaking of Spanish, the jerk switched to my Spanish block," I said.
"Wait what?" they all said.
"Alex is in your Spanish class now?" Angela asked me.
"Yes, he is. And not only that, he sits next to me," I said and their jaws dropped.
"Wait he sits next to you now?" Alyssa asked for clarification. And I nodded.
"Oh shit, did you guys talk?" Taylor asked.
"Yeah because he wouldn't leave me alone," I answered.
"What did you talk about?" Angela asked me.
"His cockiness, him being a jerk, and why he calls me princess," I say. And then they all stare at me, waiting for me to continue. Continue what? "What?"
"He calls you princess?" Alyssa asked.
"Apparently. Yeah and I asked him why he calls me that and he said because he wanted a nickname for me that no one else can call me by and he said it suits me," I said.
"Maybe he likes you," Alyssa suggested. Is she serious?
"Alyssa you're crazy. Why would he like me? He barely knows me," I told her.
"Ok, fine don't believe me," she responded.
"Uh-oh, the bitchy twin witches have entered and ruined my appetite," Taylor said nodding towards Monica and Maria entering the dining hall.
"Oh c'mon. That's just perfect," I said with complete sarcasm. My friends hated those two as much as I hated them.
"Wanna go walk around? Because like Taylor, my appetite has been ruined as well," Angela said and I nodded. We threw away our trays and gathered our stuff and left the dining hall without the witches noticing.

Once we left the dining hall, we walked around campus for a bit until the bell rang. We then went to our lockers and went to our next class.

Hopefully, you enjoyed this chapter. So this is chapter 2 of Laurex ~ A Cinderella Story. So how are you guys liking the story so far? I want to know. And by the way, sorry about my Spanish, it might not be correct because I'm not fluent in Spanish but I tried my best. And I added the English translation for whoever can't understand it. And I also wanted to say that I named one of the characters after one of my internet best friends. Alyssa, I love you so much girl and I'm so happy we met and I can call you one of my bestest friends. Go show my bestie some love BookWormHere18 Anyway if you enjoyed this chapter please give it a vote, I would really appreciate it. I also wanted to make a clarification about their school, so instead of periods, they have blocks. And they only have 4 classes a day. I'm writing it this way because this is how my high school is, so it's easier to write. Speaking of school, I start my spring semester on Monday, so I don't know how my schedule for posting is going to be. But I'll try to update this story at least once or twice a week. Ok, hopefully, I'll see you in the next chapter. Love you guys ❤️! mKay Bye!

— Citlaly

(Word Count: 1,786)

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