Chapter 3: Father Figure

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(After school)

Lauren's POV
Finally, after 3 hours of hell, I'm done with school for the day! WHOOO!

But unfortunately, I have to go home to Natasha later.

"Hey Laur, do you want to go to my house or does Godzilla need you at home again?" Angela asked me. And I laughed.
"Unfortunately, Godzilla wants me home by 3:30, but we got time," I tell my best friend.
"So let's go to my house. And don't worry, I'll make sure you're home on time," she tells me.
"Ok, Angie," I replied.

My bestie and I go to our lockers then head to the parking lot. While we were heading to Angela's car, Monica calls out for me. Are you fucking kidding me?

"LAUREN!" Monica yells. Why? Just why?
"What do you want Monica?" I asked her. Then I noticed that Maria was next to her.
"Can you tell my mother that I won't be home for a few....hours?" she asked. Ok, let's be real, it was more like demanded.
"Can't you call her and tell her?" I asked her while staring at the phone that's clearly in her hand.
"I don't feel like calling her. So you can pass the message for me," she said. Ugh, bitch.
"Fine, whatever. But I thought that's what Maria was for," I said as I walked away.
"What about me?" Maria asked. Clearly, this bitch is deaf.
"Nothing Maria. Why the fuck are you so nosy?" Monica asked her sister.
"Sorry, Monica," she replied.

Sometimes I feel bad for Maria because she puts up with Monica. Monica is the real bitch, but Maria can be a bitch too sometimes so then I don't feel bad anymore.

Anyway, Angela drove us to her house. We got out of the car and went inside. Angela lives in a one-story house. She lives with her mom and her twin brother, Jackson.

"Do you want anything to drink?" my best friend asked me.
"No, I'm good," I replied to her.
"Are you sure?" she asked me and I nodded letting her know that I'm sure. "Ok."

We then headed up to her room. In her room, we sat on her bed and went over our day. We did homework and also talked about random things.

"Angie, what time is it?" I asked her. She then grabbed her phone.
"It's 3:09," she answered.
"We got to go. Remember the old bag said she wanted me back at 3:30 pm," I reminded her.
"Oh shit, right. Let me just use the restroom and I'll..." she was cut off by someone entering the room.
"Angela, have you seen my....little Laur, hi! I didn't know you were here," Jackson says to me. He then pulls me into a hug.
"Hi Jackson, how are you?" I greeted him.
"I'm good, and you?" he asked.
"I'm good too. But I wish I could stay and chat but I have to get home," I told him.
"Do you want me to give you a ride home?" he asked me. I was going to answer, but Angela beat me to it.
"No no, it's fine. I'm gonna take her, J," my best friend told her brother.
"Oh c'mon, Angie. You can't always hog her. I was gonna head out anyway, Laur, let me take you," he said to me. Why do I have to be in the middle of an argument of these two?
"I don't care who takes me, just someone get me home before that bitch gets mad at me!" I yelled at them.
"Alright fine, Jackson you can take her. Just make sure she gets there before 3:30," she tells her brother.
"Yes, Angela," he replies.
"Ok, Lauren. I'll text you later," she tells me. Then we hugged.
"Bye Angela," I tell my best friend. I grab my backpack and phone and Jackson and I head to his car.

We get into his car and he starts the car. At this point it's 3:14, so I have 16 minutes to get home.

"So how was your day, Lauren?" Jackson asks me breaking the silence.
"It was ok. How about you? How's school?" I asked him. Jackson doesn't go to our school. He goes to this magnet school. My teachers at my middle school suggested for me to go to a magnet, but as you can tell, I didn't go. 1) because Natasha didn't want to send me to a magnet school, she said I wasn't smart enough for it. 2) I lowkey was a bit nervous about going anyway because I also didn't believe I would have belonged there.
"School's been good. Just stressful," he replied. I've seen Jackson as like a brother. Like he's my older brother figure. And he treats me like his 'little sister' anyway.
"I bet," I responded.
"So any trouble at your house? Have the bitchy twins and the bitchy lady been giving you a hard time?" he asked me.
"As always. I just can't wait to graduate from high school and get the hell out of this town," I tell him and he laughs.
"I forgot how funny you are, Laur," he tells me.
"Thanks, J," I tell him.
"I swear you're a funny ass girl! How do you not have a boyfriend? Or do you? If you do, I might need to have the talk with him since you don't have anyone to do it. I'll be the father figure," he said and I started laughing. Then I hit him playfully.
"One, don't have a boyfriend and probably won't be getting one anytime soon. I want to focus on school and not just some random boy. Second, if I did have a boyfriend, I don't think I would want you scaring him off. And third, my father figure?" I asked him and he started laughing.
"What? I am. I know your dad would've wanted me to make sure his little girl was in good hands," he said and I started to tear up a bit.
"Thanks, Jackson, i-it's just..." he cuts me off.
"It's ok, let it out," he assures me.
"I-I just miss them so much," I cried. He then grabbed my hand and gave it a small squeeze.
"I know you do, but just remember they miss you too," he said to me and that made me smile.
"Thank you, J. I needed that," I told him.
"I figured. Anyway, well here's your stop. Good luck there. And remember if you ever need a ride, don't be afraid to ask me," he told me.
"," I said and got out of the car.

I looked at my phone and it was 3:27. Thank god I made it. I walked inside and Natasha was on the couch waiting for me. Great.

"Wow, you actually made it on time," Natasha taunts. Wow, you're actually showing interest in me, that's a first.
"Whatever, I'm here. What do you want?" I asked her and she looked a bit mad about the way I spoke to her.
"Watch your mouth, you brat! You must respect me!" she demanded. Yeah, in your dreams I'll show you respect.
"Why should I show respect to someone who brought me into their home just to be their fucking maid and used the money that the government gives you to use for me, on yourself!" I yell. She was about to slap me but I blocked her.
"Stop fucking talking you ungrateful little bitch!" she yelled.
"Oh yeah, I'm ungrateful! I don't even want to be here anymore!" I yell.
"I should have left you in that stupid orphanage years ago!" she yells.
"Why didn't you? How about you take me back there? I'll be WAY happier there! Oh wait, you won't take me back there because you just want a fucking maid that you don't have to pay!" I yelled and then she really did slap me that time. It hurt, but not enough for me to cry. I pushed her and ran into my room.

"Ugh! FUCK YOU NATASHA! FUCK YOU!" I yelled once I slammed the door shut.

I have to get out of here! I don't want to be in the same house as this bitch! I need to get out of here.

I grabbed my phone and was about to go to my contact list to call someone, but I got a call.

L- Hello
A- Hi Lauren
L- Hey Alyssa, what's up?
A- Oh nothing, I was just calling to see if you wanted to hang out
L- Yes, please. I need a get away from this hell hole for a bit
A- Is everything ok?
L- I'll tell you when you pick me up. Oh by the way, can you pick me up?
A- Of course Laur. I'll be there in ten
L- Ok, I'll be figuring out how to sneak out
A- Like always (she laughed)
L- Mhm
A- Ok see you in ten minutes
L- See you in ten

I hung up and changed into something a bit more comfortable. Then got my bag ready. A few minutes later, I started to climb out through my window. I then ran to Alyssa's car, when I saw her pull up. I got in and we took off.

Hopefully, you enjoyed this chapter. Wow, this book has been out for about a week now and it already has over 100 reads. Wow, you guys must really like this story so far. So in this chapter, I introduced a new character into the story, Jackson. Let's just say you'll see a lot more of him. And that bitch, Natasha slapped Lauren! Like fuck, leave Lauren alone. Anyway, in the next chapter Lauren and Alyssa are going to hang out. So get ready for that. By the way, today was my first day back at school from my break and I'm tired. I don't get it, it's the first day back and I already have homework. Like seriously? Also, this is random, but the thing about the magnet school, that happened to me irl. I applied to a magnet for high school and last minute I denied to offer because I was nervous. I felt that I wasn't good enough to be there. Anyway if you enjoyed this chapter please give it a vote, I would really appreciate it. I hope to see you in the next chapter. Love you guys ❤️! mKay Bye!

— Citlaly

(Word Count: 1,747)

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