Chapter 32: Don't Cry, Princess

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(Here's Alex's POV from when he arrives at the warehouse. You're in for an interesting chapter that is long and all over the place. Enjoy the chapter!)

Alex's POV
I just arrived at the warehouse. It's been a little over 30 minutes since there was traffic and I spoke with Lauren a little longer than I should have.

I wish she didn't think I was going to another girl. If only she knew the truth.

But would it make it better or worse? Worse.

She wouldn't want a gang member. And even if she did, I'd be putting her in so much danger. And I'm not about to do that to her. I could never.

Anyway, now it's time to live the wrath of my idiotic brother.

I parked my car and walked inside the warehouse. I opened the door and I see the guys drinking and talking with girls on their laps.

So when there's something urgent, there needs to be girls with them? Seriously?

Surely, the old me wouldn't mind girls around him, but the only girl I want around me is currently mad at me. And it's all Aaron's fault.

I walk in and closed the door behind me and then the youngest member, Damien, greeted me.

"Hey, Alex," Damien said to me.
"Sup Damien, what happened to school today? Did Aaron make you ditch too?" I asked him. I feel bad for this kid. He's the newbie and he's 14.

When Aaron recruited him I was so pissed at him. This kid is a freshman in high school. He's barely starting high school and Aaron is already risking his fucking life.

I look out for Damien, I act as an older brother for him since Aaron doesn't act like one.

"Yeah, I was walking to school when he called me. I had to take an uber here," he said. "I hope my mom doesn't find out I ditched."
"I'm sorry kid, but there isn't much I can do about that," I told him.
"I know, Alex. I wish I could get out of this thing," he muttered. I slung my arm around his shoulder in a brotherly way.
"You and me both, kid," I told him and we walked towards the guys.

I walk up to the circle and I greeted everyone else. Then my idiotic brother walked in and he laid his eyes on me. His cold eyes that looked mad.

Oh, I'm so scared. Note the sarcasm. Ok, Lauren really is rubbing off on me.

"Alex," Aaron said, coldly.
"Aaron," I said in the same tone.
"You're late. I told you I wanted you in here no later than 20 minutes. And you're 30 almost 40  minutes later. What do you have to say for yourself?" he asked me, trying to seem so tough. I let go of Damien and got in Aaron's face.
"I don't have to listen to you. You're not the boss of me. You don't own me," I said, sternly.
"I am your leader. You better fucking respect me!" he yelled, with a bit of spit. Gross. I can practically taste the hard liquor his dumbass drank.

This fucker is drunk.

I wiped his spit from off my face and stood tall. I was not going to let him talk to me like that.

"I don't give a fuck if you're the leader. I don't. I was at school and something happened because of you. But obviously, you don't care. You don't care about any of us because you make us risk our lives for you. And that's selfish," I said, making sure he understands everything I tell him.

He did not look happy about the way I spoke. But I don't care. He can't speak to me like this. And I won't let him.

"You just don't get it huh? I'm your leader, you fucking bastard!" he yells and he punches me. I step back in shock. This fucker has never put a hand on me, until now.
"Oh so because you're the fucking leader of this stupid gang gives you fucking permission to fucking hit me? Well, guess what Aaron, it doesn't! And it didn't even hurt. It felt like a toddler was tickling me," I said with an evil grin. Then Aaron launched at me.

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