Chapter 8: Natasha Happened

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Lauren's POV
"LAUREN! Get down here right now!" I hear Natasha yell from downstairs. Oh shit.

It is 10:13 pm, I do not feel like dealing with her right now. Ugh. Why couldn't I just become completely invisible in this house? Ugh!

"LAUREN! Don't make me come up there!" she yelled. Alright fine, I'm coming. Ugh.

I walk downstairs and find Natasha in the living room with evil bitch 1, and evil bitch 2.

"What do you want?" I asked her.
"What have I told you about speaking to me in that tone?" she asked. Does it look like I care?
"I don't care," I deadpanned.
"You have to fucking respect me you fucking brat," she yelled.
"If you just called me down to yell at me, then I'm going back to my room," I said while walking away.
"Don't you dare walk away from me!" she yelled. I don't give a fuck about you! I continue walking until she says, "LAUREN KOBAYASHI RIIHIMAKI! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE AT THIS INSTANT!" Oh hell no! How dare she say my full name!
"What the fuck do you want? I'm sick and tired of your bullshit! Leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled and she slapped me.
"Shut the fuck up you ungrateful bitch!" she spat. Oh hell no!
"Don't you DARE fucking touch me!" I yelled and I pushed her and she fell to the ground.

I started running upstairs to my room but she pulled me by my leg and I fell down the steps. Maria then grabbed me and Monica was tending to her mother.

"You fucking brat! You live in my fucking house, you have to respect me!" she spat.
"I never said I wanted to even live in your house. Just take me back to the fucking orphanage so you can do us all a favor," I said gesturing towards them.
"No, you live here! And you have to follow my fucking rules. Do you understand?" she asked in a very angry tone. I stayed silent. "Do you fucking understand?" She was now grabbing me by the chin so I can look her in the eye. But I wasn't giving in. "Listen to me, bitch."
"Make me," I spat. She then squeezed my chin as hard as she could and I might've pushed Maria away from me and punched Natasha in the stomach. She clenched her stomach and I took my chance. I then made a run for it.
"Oh my fucking god! Get your fucking ass back here!"

I didn't listen! Fuck her! I ran to my room and locked the door.

There's no fucking way I can sleep here tonight. I can't! I called the first person I could think of. Someone I know damn well will always answer me, considering something similar has happened before.

I called Angela.

(L- Lauren A- Angela)

A- Hello
L- Angie are you awake?
A- Yeah Laur. I'm wide awake. What's wrong? Are you ok?
L- Can you please pick me up?
A- Yeah Laur. I'll be there in 15 ok
L- Ok that's fine. I'll wait for you.
A- Ok see you in a bit
L- Ok bye
A- Bye

(They hung up.)

Ok, so Angie is coming to pick me up. Ok, I'll get my stuff ready for tomorrow. I guess I'll be finishing my homework at Angie's.

(15 minutes later)

Alright, I have a duffel bag with me for tomorrow morning. Alright, let's do this.

(Lauren climbed out through the window and ran to Angela's car.)

"Lauren! What happened? Are you ok? Oh my god, your chin! What happened to you?" she asked.
"Natasha happened," I deadpanned and then she pulled me into a hug. I wasn't in pain, I was just angry. Not at Angie, at my fucking foster mother.
"Did she hit you again?" she asked and I nodded. "That fucking bitch!"
"Well I punched her too, so we're even," I said and she looked at me waiting for me to explain. "I'll explain at your house." And she nodded.

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