Chapter 24: It Just Can Never Happen

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(This chapter is kind of inspired by the Netflix original: On My Block. I recently watched it and I love it. I'm waiting for season 3 now. Anyway, I got an idea for this story from the show. Just saying. Back to the story.)

Alex's POV
What the hell did I just do? I just left Lauren's house and I'm in my car. Before I left, I kissed her, well on the cheek. Why did I do that? What the hell is wrong with me?

This morning was amazing. I love spending time with her. Waking up with her in my arms, was the best feeling. I wish that can happen every day.

But it can't.

Especially with my idiotic brother interrupting the morning.

(Alex then hears his phone ring.)

Speak of the devil. I answer the phone by clicking the screen in my car.

"Hello," I say.
"Are you coming or not? Because I'm gonna kick your ass if you aren't," my brother threatens.
"Relax, Aaron. Don't get your panties in a twist, I'm coming," I said.
"Watch your mouth, idiot. Unless you want something happening to your Princess," he said. I then grip the steering wheel tighter.
"Keep Lauren Out Of This!" I say sternly.
"Then watch what you say to me," he demanded.
"You know, I never wanted to be a part of this shit because I don't know, it's dangerous. But I have a dense brother who doesn't give a fuck and is forcing me," I yelled.
"You'll thank me later, Alex," he said.
"Oh yeah, I'm gonna thank you for putting my life at risk for your own benefit," I say sarcastically. 

Ok, her sarcasm is really rubbing off on me.

"Now there's the spirit," he said.
"Whatever asshole," I laughed.
"Shut up or I'll fuck you up," he threatened.
"I'd like to see you try, Aaron. I'm stronger than you," I said.
"That's what you think," he said.
"It's the truth. Where do I meet you up at? The warehouse?" I asked.
"Yes," he deadpanned.
"Ok, ok. I'm heading to the warehouse. I'll see you there," I told him.
"Don't take to long. Bye," he said and hung up.

What a loving brother? Don't you think?

Ok, Lauren's sarcasm really did rub off on me.

So, you're probably confused, right? So to kind of explain what the hell is going on, well...I'm in a gang.

Not by choice. I was forced into it.

We're called The Immortals. And there are 12 more people in this gang. And I'm the 13th member. And my moron of a brother, Aaron, is the leader.

We're supposed to protect our town, but I don't even know anymore. There's a lot of violence of course. And we take care of the drug sells.

I don't use drugs, well besides drink alcohol, but that's it. I help with the money. Which is why I can afford the car that I have. Aaron needed help with money awhile back and it was for this reason.

When he saw how I handle things, he made me join. That's why I had a good aim with the paintball gun yesterday. Aaron had me practice with a real gun. I've never shot anyone with a real gun, and I never want to, but I don't think I would have a choice.

(Alex put music on and drove to the warehouse.)

Once I arrive at the warehouse, I park outside. I get out of my car and go inside.

"Oh look who has finally showed up," Aaron taunted.
"Shut up. I told you I'd come. I never said I'd come fast," I said and everyone else laughed while Aaron glared at me. "Talk."
"Anyway, tonight will be rush hour. We have a lot of orders. I need all of you taking care of the sales," Aaron said and everyone groaned.

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