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Jimin winced as Taehyung pulled his hair into yet another direction. "Tae, come on, do I have to do this?"

"Yes," Taehyung answered. "You know you do. Every fairy has to. It's our turn this year. We're twenty, Min. I'm here so the higher ups don't find you and drag you to the grove, how embarrassing would that be? It's a special event at a special place that we're all required to attend. How many times do you need to be told that?"

The certain grove he spoke of was a magical place fairies go to meet and have fun for a night. It's a celebration for both their youth, and for the future that they all are about to embark on. 

Each fairy gets to choose their live career at this event, but that's not what most of them are excited for. Every year, the leader of the year—the first one born—is destined to meet someone, their life partner. The leaders rule a sub-unit of the seasons or weather so the mortal world runs smoothly.

It's simply part of fairy culture to be invested in the love story of the leader who was born the same year as them. Everyone was excited for this night, they have been their whole lives. Well...everyone except Jimin, that is. 

"I guess I just don't want to believe it's actually happening," Jimin pouts.

"Well, it's happening, and it's going to be amazing. You'll enjoy it, I'm sure you will," Taehyung encourages. "And we'll finally see the ruler of the year tonight too!"

"Oh, who cares?" Jimin rolled his eyes. "The cocky asshole gets chosen for Summer, then hides away because he's too good for us! Like he's better than us! Just thinking about him is infuriating."

The fairy who ran Summer had for years. He was 50 at the beginning of Jimin's birth year, and announced his retirement that day. Twenty years later, he's 70, more than ready to start his retirement tomorrow, after the ruler and his life partner are discovered. 

Only the current ruler of summer knows who the leader actually is—besides his parents, of course. Everyone knows he's been training the young leader for the past decade at least. Rumor has it that the leader has been doing an exceptional job, is a natural at every task assigned, and is the perfect replacement for the current elderly Summer fairy. 

But Jimin didn't care. None of that mattered when the leader himself was a conceited asshole too good to walk among the fairies born after him. 

"Maybe he had a reason," Taehyung defended. "It's not like we know who he is, we don't know his reasoning. I wonder who it'll end up being, it could legitimately be anyone...so many people just have never shared their birthdays. Who knows even, maybe he'll fall in love with you."

"Ew, don't even joke about that!" Jimin stood up and turned around to look at him. "I couldn't even imagine that if I tried. I would hate to be the object of his affection. He's so shallow," He fluttered his wings, annoyed. "No one I would like."

"You never know," Tae shrugged. "He is destined to meet someone. Maybe he's destined to fall in love with you."

"Absolutely not," Jimin shook his head. "Never."

He was absolutely sure about that.


Jimin poured himself some punch. His mood lifted a bit when he saw that the drink sparkled. He loved little things like that. He really didn't want to be here...but at least everything looked nice. It was hard to be upset in such a beautiful grove.

"Pretty, huh?" A voice came from next to him. A brunette fairy stood at his right, with a handsome face and kind eyes.

"Yeah, I guess so..." Jimin half-smiled. "Makes this stupid day a bit better."

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