"P'Arthit?" I call out, stepping into P'Arthit's room. I frown when I get no response. I look in the bathroom and see he is not there as I continue over to the windows to look across at mine. My curtains are open, so I can clearly see he is not there. Where is he?

Arthit's POV

This the third pharmacy I have come to today. The first one was full of giggling girls from a local convent school. Every time I looked at them, they would titter and wave at me. The thought of picking up a box of condoms and lube while that group of convent girls followed me through the pharmacy was enough to make me flee.

The second was not much better. I ran into Professor Suda, who talked to me as I walked down that aisle. Like I could buy that while my professor watched. No way in hell. How could I face her the next time in class? I still have a pack of gum I bought in my pocket. I went in there, and walking out without buying something would have looked weird.

I scan this pharmacy. No girls. No professors. I can see three people, but they look like guys from the hair that I can see over the shelves. Get in. Get out. That is my plan. Heading to the aisle, I look back to make sure nobody I know will jump out at me. My heart is racing. I can do this. I reach for the box watching behind me when I feel a hand land on top of mine. Looking up, I panic at who I find.

"P-P-P'Arthit?" Kongpop stutters.

"Kongpop!" I panic as I scramble to come up with an excuse. "I-I-I am..." Think! I am what? Damn it, brain work! "Umm. I am... I am getting this for Ai'Prem."

"You are getting what for me?" P'Prem questions as he walks up behind Kongpop. Of all the times we have to cross paths, it has to be today? Why is he even shopping at this pharmacy? I can see that he is looking at my hand, and I blush harder.

"P'Prem, did you get shampoo? We are out." I hear Wad asking from behind me.

Fvck my life! I look once more at Kongpop. What the hell? Screw it. I take the box in my hand and walk away. Lube, you idiot! You forgot the lube. I pause at the end of the aisle, debating if I should just leave or go back and get it. Considering my luck at pharmacies today, I walk back down the aisle and avoid eye contact with the three as I take a package of lube off the shelf before I run to the checkout.

Slamming the items down on the counter, I glare at the clerk, who quickly ducks their head and rings them up. I grab my bag and change, and shoot out the door before my boyfriend can get over being shocked and chase after me.

This has to be one of the most humiliating moments in my life! I wind my way through the crowd, and I can't shake the feeling that everyone is looking at me. Standing at the intersection waiting to cross, I see an older woman smiling at me on the other side. She looks at the bag in my hand and back once more at me, grinning. I glance at the bag. Can you see what is in it? I start walking when the crowd pushes forward. The lady who has been smiling reaches out and grabs my arm as we cross paths.

"N'Oon," she smiles, looking up at me, "It is you."

"Aunty?" I question.

"I thought I told you the last time you visited to call me Mom," she laughs, "How is my son? I hear he has a cute nong." Oh, my God! Tutah's mom!

"Sorry, Mom," I say as I hold the bag behind my back. "Have you seen Ai'Tutah?"

"I won't have time today," She links arms with me as we walk down the sidewalk. Wasn't she going the other way? "I only came to the city because of Aunty Din. The crazy woman is getting scammed. I tell her all the time not to believe text messages. Can you believe she thinks some young guy wants to marry her?"

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now