"Park Jimin?"


"Welcome! What will you be performing for us today?"

"Lie, produced by Suga and composed by me and him."

"Alrighty, begin when you're ready."

I took my position and gave the signal to start.

"Good job," one judge said.

"Thank you," I responded trying to catch my breath.

"We'll now start critique," the middle judge spoke as he cleared his throat.

"I would like to say that I admire how well you perform, from the beginning to end. But.... you're facial expression didn't go along with what you're trying to portray," the first judge commented.

"We all agree... Great performance but it fell flat due to your face. There's no emotions telling us what it is that happening. What is it that you're feeling? Is it despair? Numbness? What is it that's a lie?"

I stood there, words stuck in my throat because these are the words that has haunted me for a long time and yet here it is again telling me the same thing......why is this happening? Is there something wrong with me? I swore I was expressing something. And my mother warned me before and I didn't think anything of it....

"Jimin sweetie, I would love to have you but with that we cannot take you. We're here to make sure people came with it and this isn't your time...yet. We're sad to say that it is a no."

I looked at all of them, sad and defeated. After bowing and left without a word, walked out of the building finding my mom's car parked out front and went to it, got inside and laid there without saying anything. They whispered amongst themselves but I didn't bother to hear.... just going through different emotions, different thoughts of what I could've done better or what I could've change but the answer was simple.....I lack emotions in my performances and it's been my downfall.....

Jungkook POV

Again met with the ball of sadness. I spoke with mom and she told me that even though it has happened before, he tends to feel that he'll never make it to his dream. I promised her that I'll take good care of him and make sure that he's better whenever he's willing. When we got bavk to the dorm, I left the kitchen with some tea and set it on the desk before I went to check on him.


I nudged him and he pops his head out slowly looking at me with his puffy, red eyes. I kissed his forehead and pulled him from his nest so that he can have something. Sure we didn't speak while we drank, but I don't think there was anything I could say to him right now. After that, I decided to let him rest and decided to meet up with Tamori, which I was a bit worried about her because she would text me then there would be breaks. Thankfully she was alone in the courtyard so I approached her causing her to jump. I'm confused ...she's not one to be jump at all.... I looked her over to see that she's a bit tattered making me a bit pissed.

"Kook before you say anything let me explain," she started as she pulled me down to sit next to her.

I followed and sighed waiting for her to tell what the fuck's going on.

"We go into a fight..... I caught him with the same guy and he didn't bother to acknowledge me even though the guy left after seeing me. I tried to have a civil conversation but he was pissed that I interrupted him. Kook he exploded and shoved me. I refused to take that fought back."

"Tamori why didn't you call me??"

"You were away for Jimin's audition-"

"This was today!? This fucker got the nerve to do this again?

I looked at her and see that she was already in tears causing me to tend to her.... Maki truly fucked up and just when things could be better....

"Stay over alright? Jimin's there and he's not in a good mood so I'll let you have the other room until we figure this out," I said standing up.

She only nodded and followed me back to the dorm to find Minie in one of my big shirts holding a tray of snacks.

"Tamori? What are you doing here? Are you ok?"

"She's been through a lot," I answered as I move her to the couch in the living room so that I can tend to her wounds.

"Kookie let me do that......I need something to distract me anyways," he said putting the tray down and went to get the kit.

We sat down and they both told each other what happened to one another today and let it all out as I comforted them both. It's a bit awkward having to do this because I'm usually alone coping with the pain but now that I'm trying to make sure they're ok and the emotional roller coaster that I'm going through with them is seriously tiring me out.

"You don't have to stay and listen to us.... you look tired," Tamori said.

"No it's alright, I'm not used to doing something like this so I am a bit tired from it but I also want to be sure of the next thing that we need to do about your case. Jimin's is easy in my case."

"Well right now I want out, I can't stay there and the thing is is that I don't want to bring drama to your life again because of me."

"You also know that I won't listen to you and make sure that everything is taken care of so that that asshole won't bother you ever again."

"To think he was your best friend and he just flip the script so fast," Jimin commented.

"I saw the signs but didn't think anything of it. Now it's the fun part of finding a place to live ... maybe actually out of campus."

We talked some more slowly winding down for the day and I went ahead and made dinner as I put away Jimin's snacks and decided to put my thoughts and energy for tomorrow..... But that doesn't mean that I'll lay it to rest.

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