36. Priorities

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Life is a smorgasbord of endless opportunities, activities and relationships to be encountered on a daily basis. Our lives and schedules can quickly become very full as we try to fit in time with all the people in our family, social, school or work circles. Do you find that it's very easy to get bogged down by the tasks that must be done each day and in your relationships with family and friends around you?

Priority lists are good but is God at the top of yours? Without intending to, we can easily slip into a pattern of just fitting Him into our busy schedules, when we have time. Often our time alone with God is rushed or interrupted by social media notifications, messages and emails that too easily draw us away. Perhaps it's time to do something about that so we can prioritise our time with Him and demonstrate our love!

We might say we love God but do we show it by our thoughts and actions?  Ask yourself, who or what is receiving the majority of your attention? Who do you love more than anyone or anything else?

"You are to love the Lord Yahweh, your God, with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, with every thought that is within you, and with all your strength. This is the great and supreme commandment."
‭‭Mark‬ ‭12:30‬ ‭TPT‬‬


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for loving me and spending time with me each day as I meditate on Your Word. My life can get so busy once I get out of bed each day and many things entice me away from my first love for You. I admit that sometimes I do not love You with every passion of my heart, with every energy of my being, with every thought that is in me or with all of my strength.

I really want to spend more time on my relationship with You and give You the honour and glory You deserve. My life needs to be more about You and less about me! I realise that I may need to change some of my preference settings! Please help me with this today. Help me to talk to You throughout the day and be aware of You leading and guiding me. May I be able to clear away those things that really shouldn't take up my time or thoughts so You can be my Number One priority!

In Jesus' Name,

Off & RunningМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя