Chapter Twenty Seven

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Thank you again with all my heart! <3

Here's chapter 27 and I'll see you in the next update!

"How come Jacky never mentioned either of you before?" I ask the two girls I just met. Sandra grins, sharing a look with Jen.

"I don't know, Jacqueline. Why haven't you mentioned us before?" Sandra asks, nudging Jacky's side playfully.

"Long story." Jacky responds dismissively, making me roll my eyes. I thought we moved past 'long stories' but I suppose there are more stories to tell. "You guys need to find Vee or she'll miss your flight in the morning. Last time you three went on a flight together, you missed your flight." Jacky huffs, making me chuckle.

"Okay, mom!" Jen nudges me, grinning from ear to ear. She nods Jacky's way, whispering, "See what i mean, Kim, when I say she's wound up?"

"She's like that in class too." I tease her. Jacky spins around, looking like an offended little puppy. I smile at her, gently stroking the palm of her hand. "Jacks, no one can distract you."

"Not even you?!" Sandra asks, shock. I shake my head.

Jacky squeezes my hand, pulling me to her side. "That's a lie," she claims, "You just never notice. I'm really sneaky."

I scoff, rolling my eyes. "Like I don't know." I mutter, smiling to myself when I feel the softness of her lips pressing against my temple.

I look over to Sandra and Jen. My cheeks flush when I see the softness in their reaction, the way the way they nudge each other, looking at Jacky like they're seeing her like this for the first time. But I remember Vee telling me she's unknowingly very affectionate anyway. I find it hard to believe this is the first time they've seen her like this with a girl...

"Can I have you to myself now, please?" Her raspy whisper sends shivers down my spine, and it was very visible because Jen and Sandra chuckle.

"The air is too sweet in here!" Sandra beams teasingly, laughing loudly with Jen.

Jacky chuckles, shoving her friend playfully. "Shut up! I endured worse with you and Bobby!"

"No, no. Vee and, whoever she's dating, is a lot worse." Jen corrects, and I can't help but agree with that. Jacky nods too, not really denying it.

Well, that's if they're on good terms. Tonight, I'm not so sure. Kennedy shouldn't have come here. She sounded furious in the cafe, and hot-head Ken is very irrational.

Jacky texts Vee and my fears were confirmed when she replies with, 'Can't talk right now. Something important.' We then follow Sandra and Jen to the food stalls because they complained about being very hungry. 

And what— more like who— do we find over at the waffle stand? Kennedy and Vee looking like they're having a really tense discussion. Kennedy's talking but Vee's not having it.

Then without a warning, Veronica storms off.

Wow. maybe their fight runs deeper than I thought.

"Ken, what the hell was that?!" I ask my best friend as we walk over to her.

Kennedy looks at me helplessly, shaking her head. "Maybe I shouldn't have come here. I think she was already pissed at me before she saw me.... and I think I made things worse."

"I don't get it," Jacky starts, "you were fine last week. You were talking about driving to Springfield to meet her parents and then this afternoon, you just..." Jacky trails off when I touch her arm, telling her to let it go because Ken looks very upset already.

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