Chapter Sixteen

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If anyone wants to know (but why would you be) my favourite lesbian fics on Wattpad are Starstruck and If I Fall.

HANDS DOWN! Even if I mix all the stories I've read on every genre here, still two of the best books ever posted on wattpad!

Anyway just wAnted to share that! Here's the chapter! This is a lengthy one


"Kim! Kim! Kim!" I turned around but my back slams against the wall of lockers. I groan, my head hitting the wall by accident, pushing Kennedy off me.

"Was that necessary?" I ask annoyedly, rubbing the back of my head that's throbbing painfully.

Kennedy beams at me, holding her phone in front of my face. I squint, noticing she's on the school's Facebook page. There's announcement of the person who got the most likes on a homecoming post. On the page, there's a side by side comparison of Kennedy's picture, Charlotte's, and Jacky's, courtesy of Dominic.

And I can't believe my eyes because—

"You and Jacky beat Charlotte?!" I ask, shaking my head in disbelief. I look up at her and there's devilish delight written all over Kennedy's face. "Shes going to be pissed!"

Kennedy laughs hysterically, pumping her hands in the air. "I can't wait to see Charlotte's reaction! Oh! Jacky!" I watch Kennedy spring to Jacky the she enters the building.

Her eyes widen when Ken grabs her shoulders, looking disoriented. I laugh, walking up to them. Vee follows behind Jacky with a confused look, touching Kennedy's shoulder cautiously. Something's been going on between those two since we went bowling. It's been two weeks since then, and those two talk nonstop especially after the pep rally!

"Oh, that's your good news?" Jacky asks amusedly, smiling this time. "Anything to knock Charlotte out of the spot, huh? Honestly, that should have been you, Ken." She says apologetically but Ken shakes her head like what Jacky's saying is absurd.

"What?! No are you kidding me? This is great!" She beams but Jacky still looks a bit unsure. "As long as Charlotte loses her streak, I'm happy!"

Jacky takes a step towards me and her fingers find mine, intertwining them around each other. I smile, clasping her hand in mine, rubbing my thumb along the back of her hand. It's almost an instinct now for us, not that I'm complaining.

Ever since Jacky put on that show-stopping performance on Foundation Day, she's been the talk of the town and everything concerning her was an interest to everyone. People found her Instagram profile, her features on magazine, some even dug out her old Instagram posts; she's basically treated like a celebrity in the school!

And everyone is very interested in her relationship status all of a sudden; boys and girls alike.

Just one afternoon on the bus to town, we heard two girls from our PE class gossiping about us not so discreetly. This whole rumour started just because we're holding hands in the hallway, or we look at each other in class. It's the most normal things couples do but since this is a small, traditional town, it's not the most normal thing to see two girls like that.

We're not even hiding anything. People are just nosy.

To shut them up, Jacky kissed me right in front of them, not that I'm complaining. Before we got off the bus, she looked at them and retorts coldly, "That should answer your question, not that it's any of your business."

Since the bus incident, people dont stare as much. I guess word spreads fast in this end. At least at school, it's so easy being with her. Outside, I kind of have to watch my back since my dad might be lurking around, and I've upset him enough these past few days. 

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