Walking into my dorm, I find the lights already off. Is it that late? I look at my watch and see that it is. I flick on the light in the bathroom, and I can see from the faint light it throws into the room that Wad is already asleep. Sitting on the side of the bed, I brush the hair out of his eyes. He has wanted to cut it for a while now, but I like it long. Maybe I should let him for the trial. I tuck a strand behind his ear, kissing his temple.

Lying down next to him I watch him sleep. When he scrunches his brow, I smooth it. What are you thinking? Even in his sleep, bad memories plague him. I wonder if N'Kammon has nightmares. I hope he talks to Bright before it breaks my friend.

I smile when Wad snuggles against my chest. Wad is just like a cat. He always seeks out warmth. I wrap my arm around him and still when I feel him tense. You never know how Wad will react to touch in his sleep.

"Prem?" Wad murmurs drowsily.

"Yes," I breathe into his hair. "Go back to sleep."

Wad pulls his head back and squints at me, "You are still dressed?" Rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, yawning. "Go shower and change. Are you hungry?" Wad starts to get up, and I grab his hand, stopping him.

"Just stay for a bit," I pull him close and breathe in the scent of him. "I need a recharge." I feel him chuckle against my chest as he nuzzles my neck.

"Why are you so clingy?" Wad mumbles into my chest.

"Because my boyfriend is hiding things from me," I answer and feel him stiffen.

"W-W-What am I hiding?" Wad stammers, trying to pull away.

"What happened here wasn't your fault, Wad," I tell him, and he goes slack in my arms.

"Oh," Wad says, and it reminds me of N'Kammon's response to my confession earlier.

"Why would you think that?" I ask, stroking his hair. I know why, but I want him to say it.

Wad takes a deep breath and wraps his arms around my neck, "I just keep thinking I could have stopped all of this if I had told someone."

"I can't say that you would have or wouldn't have stopped it," I start, "At that time, who would have believed you? Even here, P'Dean had blinded everyone with his Golden Boy act. You could have ended up like all the students here that were ignored. Ai'Tee told, and nothing happened. I am sure others did, too. P'Dean knew how to charm who he needed to and how to hide his dark side from everyone except his victims."

"Do you think it will be any different at the trial?" Wad questions. I know he is still afraid of facing P'Dean, and I can't protect him from this.

"This is different, Wad," I pull him in tight, "There is evidence. Not only of the assault but the kidnapping is something he cannot deny. Your friend from school gave statements to back up your injuries, and the drugs found in your system back up his story and yours. The security footage shows you didn't willingly get in the car. Everything is against him. Even when he is tried here for the things he did at university, he will have a hard time getting away with it. There are the videos, and the evil fruit has turned on him. He won't be coming out of this, Wad."

"I know all of this," Wad sighs, "but..."

"But you are still scared," I finish for him, "I am here. Lean on me when you get tired of it all. Please?"

"Don't you get tired?" Wad asks, looking up at me.

I kiss his forehead, "That was why I was getting a recharge." I pull him close. "As long as you are here, I can never get tired."

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now