The rain was rough on us, mud splashing around with every step we took, our clothes and bags heavier on us now. I partly wanted to give up, I didn't feel it in me to keep running, but I knew I had to. I am still a leader, I still have people to take care of and protect. Just as we managed to get near the bottom, Thomas came out from a cave, moving his hands in the air, gesturing us to go over there. Liam and I pressed harder on ourselves, my lungs now ready to burst from the lack of oxygen.

Just as we got under the cave, I collapsed. I fell hard on the ground, first on my knees, then on my stomach, gasping loudly for air, flicking my eyes shut. All this madness was too much for me to take. I felt dizzy, my stomach twisting in an unbelievably painful way that had me gagging, while I heard the boys argue in the distance. Loki sniffled my hair and then my ear but I had no strength in me to ruffle his fur.

"Ed fell too?!" Cole shrieked, the name he mentioned instantly having me shaking with anger.


If it wasn't for this fucking cunt Claire would've been with me right now.

What if something happens to her because of him? What if he attacks her out of anger and desperation? My body shook terribly as I thought the possibilities of Ed harming Claire, my vision turning red.

"What are we going to do?! We don't know where they could possibly end up to." I heard Niall say hopelessly.

"We need a plan, like now, we don't have much time." Liam spoke fast, making it hard to process his words at first.

I inhaled deeply, trying to control my anger that had taken all over me within seconds. As they kept talking, all I could think of was that nightmare that kept bugginng my mind. Ed and Claire, away from me, me shooting both of them. I winced at the image of doing that to her, I would never do that. I would rather take a bullet straight in the brain than harm her in any way.

"We can't go out now - didn't you see what happened?!" Liam hissed at the boys who insisted to leavd the cave.

A strong vibration shook the ground once again, the rocks clinking against the top of the cave as they fell over, ths sound echoing around us. I pushed myself up to my knees, trying to clear my head from all ths negative thoughts and doubts that clouded it. Loki ran off towards Thomas before sitting down beside him with his ears standing up. Liam swung around once he noticed me standing up, his eyes slightly widening with worry as he stepped closer.

"Harry are you okay? Did you get hurt or-,"

"I'm fine." I cut him off coolly, him nodding and swallowing thickly at my emotionless tone. He seemed devastated, his face drowned in sorrow and tiredness. I can only think how fucked up my own face looked like. "Don't worry about me." I added more softly to show him that I wasn't angry at him for any reason.

"Harry...what are we going to do?" I flickered my gaze to Niall who spoke with a trembling voice, sitting on the ground with mud all over his boots and army pants, his face covered in sweat and dirt, making his blind eyes stand out. "We lost Louis, Zayn, Claire and Ed.." he counted sadly, the mention of her having my chest tightening.

I turned to Cole with a serious expression, him sinking slightly on the ground at my intimidating gaze as he peeked up at me, worried. "Do you have any idea where that river leads to?" I asked slowly, fisting my palms in order to control my temper.

He hesitated at first before shaking his head slowly, "No. I don't know - I can't remember anything.." he muttered ashamed.

I brushed my tongue over my top teeth in frustration, glancing around to hold myself from bursting into shouts. How can this fucking prick not remember a single fucking thing? He's so useless, I wouldn't care if he had fallen off the cliff at all. I hate Ed with all my gut, but that mother fucker knows things and now he's gone.

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