Attack on Cat Palace Arc Chapter 12: Welcome Hikari!

Start from the beginning

"Princess Hikarineko! Can I please come in?", Suzuki knocked.

As he knocked, all he could hear is banging and panicking coming from the other side of the door. She quickly opened the door and she was wearing her informal clothing and her hair was all messed up. The Sclera of her eyes were red from all of the crying she has been doing since the end of the incident.

"Are you okay, Princess Hikarineko? I've heard that you have locked yourself in here all this time.", queried Suzuki.

"Can I explain more inside of my room?", sniffled Hikari.

Suzuki agreed and entered her room. Hikari offered Suzuki a seat but he wanted to stand up as he has been bed bound for the past few days.

"I'm sorry you have to see me in this state, Master Suzuki.", Hikari lamented.

"There is no need to apologies, Princess Hikarineko.", said Suzuki.

"I guess the reason why I have been cooped up in my room for all this time is because I'm afraid and scared. I'm scared as to what is going to happen to my brother and I'm afraid that I'm not strong enough to save him!", cried Hikari as she fell to the floor.

"It's alright to feel those emotions, Princess Hikarineko. But you don't need to beat yourself up about it.", consoled Suzuki as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"But...but what if I'm not good enough! Please! Master Suzuki! Save my brother!", wailed Hikari.

Suzuki's hand slowly moved away from her shoulder and went back swaying to his side.

"This is not good! I know this feeling! I've felt this feeling! These are the exact same feelings I felt when the Old man did the same to me and my family. I can't believe that he's made someone do the same thing he has done to me! I need to stop her from taking the same dark path as I did!", thought Suzuki.

Suzuki moved his hand back over to Hikari but this time his hand cupped her soft cheek. The tears that rolled from her eyes rolled down the back of Suzuki's hand instead. 

Suzuki gave of a gentle smile and began to say, "I'm sorry, Princess Hikarineko but I can't save your brother.".

Hikari's eyes widened with shock but Suzuki was not done yet.

"I will however, ask you to join my Clan! There is no chance in hell that I will try and help that selfish brother of yours but you are someone I want to extend my hand out to and help! Have more confidence in yourself and believe that you will save your brother and i will help you every step of the way! So join my clan! Hikari!!!!", encouraged Suzuki.

Hikari's eyes began to flurry with tears as Suzuki gave her the words of encouragement.

"I'll join!!! I'll join you, Master Suzuki!!!!", Hikari gushed as she pounced herself into Suzuki's arms.

"Thank you! Let's overcome this together!",  declared Suzuki.

"Let's! And you called me by the name I wanted you to say! Can you come closer as well?! I need to whisper something to you.", asked Hikari.

Suzuki leans in like Hikari asked but to his surprise, Hikari went in for a kiss on his cheek. Suzuki began to blush really hard as he wasn't expecting that from Hikari.

"I love you, Master Suzuki! Please marry me!", expressed Hikari.

"Wait Hikari! That's too sudden! I only asked you to join my clan not to be my bride!", blushed Suzuki.

"I will keep trying though.", professed Hikari as she was bubbling all over the place. "I will get ready, please have something to eat while I pack.", she continued.

Now that Hikari is on board, Suzuki leaves the room and goes to the dining room to go and get something to eat but then saw a troubled Anna sitting there.

"Hey Anna! What's up?!", quizzed Suzuki.

"Idiot!", cursed Anna.

"Oi! What was that for!", bickered Suzuki.

"What do you think it's for?! You treated me like rubbish, like I wasn't of any help to you when you was fighting Hitsora!", fumed Anna.

"Huh?! What are you on about?! I said I believed in your Heal Skin remember!", pointed out Suzuki.

"Yes and you said that there was no time for me to heal you and the my Heal Skin was 'enough'. Do you not understand how that makes me feel?!", sobbed Anna.

Suzuki saw that Anna was frustrated and didn't want to make her more upset, so he put his hand on top of Anna's head and started patting it.

"I guess I was acting like a jerk back there. Sorry to have worried you, Anna. I help people get over the big things but fail to see the small things, huh.", sighed Suzuki.

Anna began to smile and gave Suzuki's waist a little hug. Now that Suzuki got some food down him, he got dressed out of the clothes they supplied him with while he was unconscious and got into his normal clothes.

"Have a safe trip, Hikari. I know you will make it big in with Suzuki.", praised Naoyuki.

"Take care of my Granddaughter, Suzuki", warned Kiyoshi.

"I will!", replied Suzuki.

"Chase your love, Hikari.", whispered Asumineko.

Hikari smiled very hard and tears fell from her eyes. She ran over and gave them one last hug and then entered the Warp Portal back to the Human Realm.

Hikari's adventure around the world she dreamed to see has began!!!

*Thank you for reading this chapter of 'Mysterious Ways!'. If you like this chapter please leave a like and vote to show your support! Hikari has now joined the Fujimura Clan!!! Will she be able to grow stronger alongside Suzuki?! Next time we will be taking a look into the new character, Tekeshi Hajime, and will see what he has to offer!!! Stay Tuned!!!!


I will be publishing a side story to Mysterious Ways!!!!! I will reveal more information closer to the time so please stay tuned!!!!! Thanks for the support!!!!!

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