Natsu's paranoia

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He put condom over his dick and thursted it into my womanhood as I moaned.

(Kairi p.o.v)

"God! I can't listen to this! I'm going to the guild!" I exclaimed.

I stood up from the couch and went towards the door.

"Wait Kairi! We're going too!" Tina said

"Aye!" Happy agreed.

I simply nodded in approval and we all went towards the guild.

That idiot is going to be a death of me! If I need to deal with another fire breathing idiot, I would lose my freaking mind!

On our way to the guild, we ran into Levy and her team. I asked "Hey guys. Where are you going?"

Levy answered "We were just coming back from a job we took. Why isn't Natsu with you guys?"

I froze as she asked that. Jet asked "Kairi, did something happened to Natsu?"

I cleared my throat and replied "He's "busy" with something. It's the best not to bother him or he will beat you up for that. Trust me, you don't want to stop that guy from doing what he already began to do."

They all looked at each other and Droy asked "Is he having a girl staying over at your guys' place?"

I looked at him for few moments before starting to laugh "Hahaha! Natsu having a girlfriend?! Oh please, Droy! Don't make me laugh! Natsu having a girlfriend? Ha!"

Everyone sweatdropped as they went back to the guild. Once they were out of sight, I asked Happy and Tina "Did they bought it?"

"Probably. Let's go to the guild and see what happens. They might tell everyone about Natsu and Lucy. And you know what dragon slayers are like." Tina replied.

Well, Duh! I am a dragon slayer! And making one of them get pissed off is the last thing you want to do.

I ran towards the guildhall and opened the door, with everyone greeting me.

Levy, Jet and Droy were sitting somewhere at a table. I sat right close to them but not too close to listen their conversation.

"Well. What do you guys think? We got a lot of money from that one job. Is it just me or recovering some weird crown for a guy's collection is a bit odd?" Levy asked.

Jet shrugged "Who cares? We got the money and went back home safe and sound."

Oh right. They are talking about some mission they took together. I was worried for nothing.

When the hell will Lucy join Fairy Tail? I believe it's too early. She and Natsu started dating three months ago. And due to Natsu's paranoia, I doubt she will join anytime soon.

But one thing is certain and that is...

I can't wait to see everyone's look on their faces when Natsu brings her here. It will be so fucking funny!

Well, I only can wait for few months or maybe a year for that to happen.

(Natsu p.o.v)

"That was great." Lucy said, heavily breathing.

"Yeah." I agreed.

We both were completely naked and covered by the sheet. I heard that Kairi and our exceeds were going to the guild.

That means, we have the whole house to ourselves!

Lucy turned to me and asked "So, what do you want to do next?"

"Kairi, Happy and Tina went to the guild. So, the house is all ours for the day." I answered.

She looked at me for few moments and said "Natsu, your paranoia is pissing me off."

I looked at her weirdly. I wasn't being paranoid at the moment. What is she talking about?

"Do you even trust me? You know I would never cheat on you. Plus, why would I date some guy with some weird stripping habit or some stupid playboy who flirts with every girl he sees?" She asked.

"Of course I trust you, Lucy! I just don't want the guys to be near you!" I answered in panic.

She looked at me angrily "Who said I'll let them stare at me like I'm some hooker!? I'll beat the crap out of them! And you are the only one who is allowed to stare at me, kiss me, touch me and bang me till I can't walk for an entire freaking year!"

I shivered at her tone. She really is scarier than Erza, Mira and Kairi combined!

"You understand that, babe?" She asked in sweet tone. She sure switches her mood quickly.

I nodded yes as response and she pecked me on the lips.

Then, I asked her "How about we walk around the forest for a little?"

"Sure. Why not?" She answered.

After we both got changed, we went for a walk. I just hope those jerks won't be around to spy on me.

Wow, I really am paranoid -_-'.

A/N: Author here. I apologize for deleting two latest parts of the stories. To make up for it, I wrote a lemon in this chapter. I just didn't like how I wrote chapters 24 and 25. It's too early for Lucy to join Fairy Tail. Yeah, you heard me. I planned Lucy to join the guild at chapter 26, but that's just to soon. And it would be better that Lucy meets everyone in the guild at the same time. Well, see you in the next chapter. Bye!

The Star Maiden (Fairy Tail Nalu Fanfiction) (Being Re-written)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora