Chapter 1 Harry talk

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It's been fifteen years since the final war. Harry's enjoyed his life so far but he sometimes wondered if it could have been different. He wished more than anything that his life would change. So he went to meet Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth. He knocked on the door of the tavern and Aberforth opened the door and said, "Harry good to see you." Harry replied, "Thanks just wanted a chat." Aberforth said, "Come inside." Harry did just that and sat down on the couch. He said "I was wondering what Voldemort was like at school?"   Aberforth said, "Well he was amazing student. He liked every Professor but he liked Slughorn the most. Although he didn't get along with Dippet or my brother." Harry asked, "Why didn't he get along with them?" Aberforth replied, "Well young Tom wanted to be a Defence Against the Dark Arts master at Hogwarts. He asked for this not once but twice; first he asked Armando Dippet and then later Albus Dumbledore but both said 'no' which made him furious, and it was strongly suspected that he jinxed the position in revenge. The upshot of the alleged jinx was that Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers only lasted a maximum of one year." Harry laughed, "So that's how the jinx started. Imagine a world where Voldemort was defence teacher." Aberforth said, "If that happened then lots of things would have turned out differently - even you." Harry asked, "Would a paradox happen that would mean my parents would be alive?" Aberforth said, "Yes definitely, and if you got stuck there then your mum and dad might not have you but a girl instead." Harry was thinking about all the possibilities. He asked, "What year would be best?" Aberforth said, "The best would be 1944  after Grindelwald war."

Harry said, "Yeah, half-way through the muggle Second World War. That would do nicely." Abe handed him a small book containing a time travelling spell and information on Tom for Harry to study. Harry said his goodbyes and went on his way. He arrived back home and started to read all about his nemesis. He found out that he and Tom had lots in common - more than he thought, and Harry also thought about what his name would have been in the past. He also needed to find a place for him and Tom to live. Then the thought occurred to him - why not the shrieking shack? It's well hidden and it hasn't been touched since his parents era. He asked Hermione about it and they agreed to go together. Hermione wandered inside and asked, "Are you seriously considering time travel? You know how dangerous the consequences can be!" Harry replied, "Yeah, I know exactly what would happen and I seriously don't care. I want a better life." Hermione said, "Good luck then." And she left the house.
A few minutes later Harry returned to Aberforth and asked, "What happens if I find my soulmate and somehow Lilly has a boy and the past me disappears?" Aberforth replied, "That's simple you'll become whatever age you are in the past, and you'll be that age once you return. The soulmate is quite interesting but the problem is that when you arrive in the past you will be 16 and you'll stay 16 until your soulmate is born." Harry was shocked and asked, "You're saying I'll stay 16 until my soulmate arrives? How do I explain why I am not aging?" Aberforth replied, "Simple. Say it's a family curse that when your family hits 16 they have to wait until there soulmate is born to get older." Harry believed Aberforth but was concerned, "Okay, that's believable. Will your brother believe what I said?" Aberforth replied, "No. If you tell the head nurse your story then she'll believe you. Have you been practicing your Latin so the time travel spell works exactly how it's meant to?" Harry replied, "Yes, I've also been practicing occlumency so if your brother or anyone else tries to read my mind they won't be able to. Plus I have created a mind place to go to if things get bad. It helps me and helps my new photographic memory." Aberforth was very impressed, "That's perfect! You'll be smarter than you ever were and that's going to help you in the past, have you thought of your new name?" Harry replied "Yes I have. My new name is Pablo Jay Harrington." Aberforth laughed, "I see what you did there very funny and believable." Harry said, "Thanks I also have a memory spell to give you when I am in the past so you can help me out." Aberforth said, "Wonderful. Hopefully this time round me and my brother might get along."

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