Chapter 29 - Somewhere Over The Rainbow

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One year later (I know right😱) Beyonce's POV:

"This one is called," I hold my notepad up to my face as I rise from my chair and take a deep breath before reading, "the day my life ended."

"Go gworl, you know I'm your number one fan!" my co-editor and best friend Kelly Rowland cheers me on from her seat with a big smile, that Friday afternoon in college; she's sitting next to our editor-in-chief and friend, Taylor Swift, who's sipping on a cup of coffee as she waits to judge my new poem.

"Heart ripped, tears dripped. Mind wondered and wondered, questions left unanswered. A whole mutha fucking year! I dont believe you ever cared" I frown and shake my head like an actress reading lines from a script, "die, bitch! Why are you all I see? In my dreams and the other day on MTV! Atleast you cant hurt me anymore.....FUCKING DYKE, STUPID WHORE!" I think I just heard Taylor choke on her coffee but I'll carry on anyway; I'm very passionate about this poem, "I'm older, I'm wiser. And life's a little nicer. I'm no longer a bird in a cage.....I'm a woman, engaged."

"Sounds like you're a woman, enraged" Kelly observes, her face plastered with concern, "Beyonce, are you a lesbian? I mean, it sounds like you've been hurt by one..."

"It's from another womans point of view" I lie, flustered by my suppressed emotions, "I wanted to get really creative with this one."

"Ummm," Taylor puts her cup down on the desk, "that's not college newspaper material. You should know this, Beyonce."

"Yeah I know, I'll just take out the cursing" I nod quickly, embarrassed by the funny looks I'm getting from both girls.

"Why dont you write an article about a famous gay person or something? Forget the poem. It's not just the cursing, I didnt like any of it. It's too dark, too deep, too.....personal" she looks at Kelly, "dont you agree?"

Kelly is busy studying me with a puzzled look on her face, "who the hell is this dyke, Beyonce? I know that wasnt just something you put together for Gay Pride. You wanna talk about it?"

Great, she didnt believe that 'another womans point of view' crap.🙈

"It's nothing, it's jus_"

"Uh, can we not use the word dyke?" Taylor interrupts me, "my sister is a lesbian and she HATES that word."

"Speaking of dykes!" Kelly flashes her a big smile with dancing eyes, "have you heard of 'Bad Gyal Four'? Well BG4 for short but, yeah, you need to tell your sister about them! She'll love them!"

Oh here we fucking go, Kelly's obsession with the new big thing that everybody keeps talking about - the very thing I keep trying to avoid!

Not this again!😔

"Is this some sort of group for lesbians?" Taylor enquires, looking intrigued.

Kelly gets louder with excitement, "sort of! It's a new girlgroup and they're all about feminism and girl power. I think they're all gay, to be honest, but you should hear their music, see them perform! Like ohhhh myyyy God!!! They're the new PBA but they're girls and_"

"Oh my God I miss PBA!" Taylor coos, making a sad face, "I was such a fan. I was there at their last concert when Michael announced he was going solo. I just died."

"Gworrrrlll! Dont even get me started with Michael Jackson! That's the bae! I never really stanned for PBA but Michael on his own? This new grown and sexy Michael? Yaasssss hunni!" Kelly clicks her fingers in the air like a gay man.

"He was always sexy" Taylor drifts off to memory lane as she bites her lip, "I loved him and Trey so much."

"Not that fucking crackhead!" Kelly laughs, "anywayyyy! Back to these girls..."

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