Chapter 67 - No Bad Vibes

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Beyonce's POV:

I've cried non-stop for an hour, my face feels bloated, my eyes are swollen and I dont know how I'm going to live without MJ. In fact, I dont know anything! I dont even know who I am anymore, it's like my identity just keeps changing - I've gone from being 'miss goody two shoes' to 'ultimate bad gyal', from 'MJ's wife-to-be' to 'MJ's half sister', from 'Pastor Matthew's daughter' to 'Joseph Jackson's other daughter'.

I gotta see a psychiatrist, I swear I'm bout to lose my mind, I need to talk to somebody. Ok, maybe I dont need professional help but I still need help. Who can I turn to?

An image of my best friend pops into my mind...



Tinashe's POV:

My new phone rings and I smirk to myself as I check to see the caller ID; I let it ring out since I cant pretend to be Kelly to someone who knows her better than most - her best friend and my cousin, Beyonce.


Beyonce's POV:

Come on Kelly, answer your damn phone!

Before I can try again, I receive a text message from her:

Sorry gurl I cant talk right now I'm being a whore n getting fucked in da ass, as usual. I'm very busy, it's like 6 guys. Anyway, I hope to see u at Jesse's funeral on Tuesday. xoxo

Ugh! Why would Kelly text me something like that? That dont seem right, has she lost her mind too? Have we all lost our minds? And shit, Jesse's funeral is on it's way. Do I have the strength to attend?

It occurs to me that I dont even have the energy to think; I drop down on the bathroom floor and begin to cry all over again.

Kate's POV:

I walk back inside my room and find Mickie-Jo sitting in a corner, crying quietly like a hurt child; I rush to her and wrap my arms around her to let her know she's still my little baby and that I'll always be here to protect her from this cruel world.

"She said, she said she'll never leave me" she struggles to speak as she sobs, "she....she said she loved me, mom. I was so stupid, I thought it was true love."

"I love you, sweetie" I whisper as I embrace her, "and you know what? My love is unconditional, I'm going to be here forever, no matter what. It's gonna be ok."

Rihanna's POV:

Aaliyah's giving me head and I'm trying to pay her some attention but I cant stop giggling; I'm too happy about MJ and Beyonce's failed engagement and I cant hide it!

Aaliyah stops and looks up at me, "why agree to have sex with somebody if all you're gonna do is think about your ex?"

Damn she's good! How does she know exactly what's on my mind?🙈

I close my legs and sit up from the bed, "I'm sorry, Liyah. I'm just glad she's realized she was bout to make the biggest mistake of her life."

"That's good and all, but I'm tryna get this sex tho."

Just then, my phone starts ringing and it's Chris from PBA, my new boo; he's not the person I'm going crazy over right now but it's still nice to hear from him; I answer it with a smile, "hey, sexy."

Aaliyah throws her arms up in the air to show me she's given up on me, "whatever. You're messed up."

"Yo, where you at?" Chris' voice asks over the phone.

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