Chapter 53

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Kylo didn't know how long he has been running. But he was tired his feet were on fire. His feet burn so much, he started to run slower. Sweat went down his whole face, back and now legs. He ran down the road.

He was almost there. Eventually, he tripped on his leg and fall on the ground. He moans and groans before getting up. He looks up and sees the shack. He starts to walk towards the shack. He got to it but before putting his hand on the knob the door was already open. He pushed the door open and found broken plates, and moved drawers.

He walked down the hall and walked in the bathroom, finding a bit of stained blood on the floor. He walked out of the bathroom and house. He drops on his knees and sobs in his hand. They were gone. Snoke took them. "No. No, no, no, no". He slammed his fist on the ground. " ahh fuck". He looked at his knuckles and saw bleed.

He had to get his family back. Kylo went in the house into the shower. He turns on the water. He decides to take a little bath before he plans what to do. After the shower, he starts to wrap his knuckles and heal the cuts he got. 

After a few hours of getting there, he was thinking. What could he do? He was only worried about his wife and kids. He looks down at the flip phone, and he flips it open. He saw a message and he decides to listen to it. "Rey Snoke found out where you get out of the house now and lose the phone, he tracked it, get out of the house now".

Hux was in danger too. It was all his fault. His wife and kids were taken, Hux who has done nothing wrong was sure taken, and his parents he had no idea what his parents would say. Kylo didn't know what to do now. But he had to find his family. He had to find Rey and his kids. There was only one option.

Kylo knows he was going to regret this but there was no other way to know where they are. He dialed Snoke number on the phone. He was about to press the call button but he hesitated. He closed his eyes and sat back to his chair. If he did it, he knew he would regret it, but he had to do it.

He pressed the call button and place the phone near his ear. He waited and then he heard his voice " hello"

Kylo started to regret it. But he had to find his family." Snoke" he said. He heard a gasp and a little evil laugher. "Kylo Ren is that you". Kylo burned his hand in his hand. " yes" he murmured.  "Kylo how did you leave Jakku," Snoke asked. "Stop asking questions, I'm asking the question here, Where my family".

He heard Snoke laughed. " You really think you be the bigger person here, Kylo you are weak, I'm always going to get what I want," Snoke said. "Snoke where's my family," Kylo asked. He heard Snoke chewing on something "oh their here" he said with a full mouth of food.

"Snoke what do you want, why are you doing all of this to us," Kylo asked. He got up and started to walk around. "Listen Kylo, if you want your family to be okay it's not going to happen," Snoke said. "Why, why can't the be out of this why," Kylo asked.

"Because you HAD EVERYTHING, YOU HAD EVERYTHING I WANTED THAT'S WHY I MADE THE CONTRACT SO OTHER CAN FEEL THE SAME PAIN I DO" Snoke cracked. He reveals everything. Kylo realized why Snoke hated him. Snoke let his jealousy take over his head. Kylo had his family and people who cared about him, Snoke was all alone.

"Snoke listen to I'm sorry you don't have anyone but you can't let other people suffer because you want then to feel the same way you do, it's not our fault, Snoke let my family go, they have nothing to do with this, we don't have anything to do about you unhappiness" Kylo said.

"You're right Kylo, but I am not stopping now," Snoke said. "WHAT". " Kylo after everything I have done do you really think I let you out with your family, you guys would expose me," Snoke said. "No, we won't I promise," Kylo said." Sure maybe you won't but they will" Snoke said.

"No, they won't please Snoke please don't do this" Kylo begged." You know what lets us both do each other a favor, you disappear and I take care of your family okay" Snoke said. "No, Snoke no please" Kylo beg. "You are free to do anything you want, okay you know what I give you a check and you get to start your life all over again and I stay with your wife and kids till they die," Snoke said.

"Snoke please give them to me, I love then don't hurt them", starting to cry he heard Snoke starting to laugh. "Kylo I will always win, you could call me again if you agree I gladly give you the money to start over, I keep your family right here," Snoke said. "No... Snoke, Snoke, please no GOD NO" Kylo yelled. Snoke already turned off the phone on him.

The only question is, what the hell is he going to do.

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