Chapter 30

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Rey looked down at her daughter. "Okay, little baby, we are going to change your diaper, for the fifth time," Rey said.

She started to open Malia's diaper that she had on and clean her with the wipes. After that Rey grabs the Huggies diaper and puts it on, Malia.

Malia was such a sweet little baby, always giggled when things are not funny. She is a heavy sleeper and eats a lot. Not only that Malia always sticks her tongue out and sucks on her thumb. She would make the most beautiful sound when Kylo tickled her.

Rey grabs Malia from the changer and walked her to the bed. Ben was at school and Leia already left to pick him up, he would be out in a few minutes though. Rey was giving Malia tons of kisses and hugs until Kylo walked into the room.

"Hi, Kylo" Rey said. Kylo smiles and walks to Rey sitting down on the bed next to her and Malia. "Is everything okay?" Rey asked.

"How Malia" Kylo asked trying to change the subject. "She fine why do you have that face" Rey asked. "Could I carry her?" he asked." Kylo, what happened at Snoke because it's best to till me now than to wait for" Rey said.

Kylo looks at Rey, at her eyes after avoiding any eye contact before. "Rey, I talk to Snoke, he wanted me to talk to you about your career," Kylo said." What about it" Rey asked. Kylo clears his throat." Well, Snoke wanted you to stop writing for a while" Kylo said.

Rey looks at him and shakes her head." No no no no no, noooo I won't stop doing something I love it's my career and my life" Rey said getting up from the bed. "Well you're my wife," Kylo said also getting up from the bed.

"And because of that, you have to tell me what to do or what not to do," Rey said. "Rey, please just stop writing for a while, soon you would go back to it just, please Rey" Kylo said.

Rey turns to him "oh Kylo well I guess Noooooo, I won't give up on writing I love my career, it bad change the mind of so many people and I have so much to say so much for people to read so they could learn" Rey yelled.

"You could teach the whole world what you want to say, but doesn't have to be now," Kylo said." No, what I have to say has to be said now" Rey said. "Rey, please just listen to me for now, I want to be with you but that means following his rules," Kylo said.

"Of course you do, ten years left," Rey said." Eleven" Kylo corrected her. Rey burst out a small sarcastic laugh and smiled putting her hands on her hips. She turned to Kylo and shakes her head. "Fine I will do it but I'm not forgiving you ever for this" Rey said. She walked out of the room slamming the door behind her.

Kylo scratches his nose and sigh. He heard Malia crying and he turns around walking to her. "Hi," he said." I'm sorry you had to hear that, I just wish you never feel that I forgot you, I won't, I'm always here" Kylo said.

Malia stops winning and looks to Kylo eyed. There something about her eyes that he doesn't get, it looks like it is full of love, but just so still. Kylo snaps his finger over her eyes and she didn't move. Kylo waved his hand over her eyes and nothing.

"Oh no," Kylo said. "Rey, REY" Kylo yelled. Rey came in the room and looks at Kylo worried. "What happened why are you so worried," Rey asked.

"It's Malia we need to go to a eye doctor now," Kylo said. Rey looks at him with a what face while he looks at her in a worried face.

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