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Disclaimer: I do not own Shaman King and its characters. Please support Hiroyuki Takei its author.

I the self-proclaimed Pure Fanfic Fanatic Anime Addict, only own the plot…the crazy not worth reading for plot…but please do consider…note no lovey-dovey

Warning slight boy love…don’t like it…don’t read it.

It was my first fanfic so please reeeeeeeeeead!

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Aaaw…head hurts…better fix the door…

Wait how on milky way can I do that?




Note: YohxRen


Faust VIIIxHorohoro

Afterfight New life

(Shaman King Fanfiction)


Ten years after the Shaman Fight…

Short recap of important events:

*All power spirits where sent to Nirvana to live together with the great spirit in harmony whether they like it or not.

*Hao was punished by becoming the Asakura’s successor because the elders realized that Yoh was useless. Yoh celebrated. X-Laws vowed to follow Hao and watched his work.

*Chocolove became the famous comedy star after he saved the life of a certain producer. His manager was Pirika, Horohoro’s sister. He also took bleaching soap. He turned white…reeeeally white!

*Anna broke up with Yoh for the reason that he cannot give her the finest life on earth. She then turned her attention to Manta who grew six-footer, handsome, and rich. She threatened Yoh to convince Manta in marrying her or else. Scared to death, Yoh pleaded to Manta in marrying Anna. For friendship sake, Manta agreed.

*All who died, in the shaman fight were reincarnated by the Iron Maiden Jeanne. Basically, all went back to normal.

*Yoh went back to the city.

-End of Recap-


At the Tao Corporation,

“HA! HA! HA! If I had been in Anna’s shoes…I would do the same!” Ren laughed as he had the difficulty in stopping it after hearing Yoh’s story. The later’s depression was heightened. Jun smacked his brother for insolent.

“OUCH!” Ren yelped.

“Give more respect to Yoh’s bereavement…little brother!” Jun commanded. She grew to be stricter as she took over their family business.

She continued, “don’t get me wrong, but why did you came here in the office instead to our house.. I mean we consider you as a family.”

Yoh was fidgeting, “Um…I was thinking if you could hire me here…” he was disrupted.

“Oh…hell NO…we already had so MUCH idiotic and INCOMPETENT people here!” Ren shouted while swaying and crossing his arms on and off. His sister slapped him.

Some Nonsense and Unfinished Ideas :)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon