Chapter 72: Another Other World

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~Caleb clone #1

Albedo: So our plan is to manipulate the Kingdom of Re-Estize from the shadows, while making an ally of the--

Caleb: 'Blah blah blah blah blah... I swear, the only fun thing was adventuring with Ainz.'

I'm currently floating above Ainz' throne with my Angel, Demon, and Fallen Angel wings out, pretending to sleep.

Caleb: 'That loli vampire girl was cute, but I'm afraid that we've won over another crazy woman... Ugh... Oh, Demiurge is talking about some phenomena... A button with a switch--wait, that doesn't sound physically possible--I mean, it could be, but that's just weird.'

Ainz: Give an order to everyone within Nazarick. If any of these mysterious buttons are found, use the messaging function to share its location immediately! Then carefully follow our trap disarming routines.

Guardians: Yes, sir!

Ainz: Well, I'd imagine you would do this without me needing to tell you.

Albedo: Your words honor us.

Ainz: 'Is it really a "trap"? A button seems like something a kid would dream up.'



Harem King: You good?

Y/n: Yeah... Let's just kill this thing.

Harem King: Hell yeah!

~Caleb Clone #1

Caleb: 'Oh, right, I can read thoughts if I want'

Ainz: 'Who'd be stupid enough to push a button that just appeared out of nowhere?'

Caleb: 'Me, Nathan, Rory... Ethan... What can a stupid little button do anyways... Also, this wasn't in the anime, and I didn't finish Iskeai Quartet.'

Suddenly the world get's all warped--kinda like the Nausea Effect in Minecraft--And according to the description of the Lee clan--who's DNA is in me--I am a natural master of the Drunken Fist. Meaning, any time I get nauseous, I get stronger--And where the hell am I?

Caleb: Okay, the hell is this fever dream, and did anyone else see that text? I'm getting Kill la Kill flashbacks.

Ainz: Um...

Caleb: I'm gonna find the restroom or something, see ya.

Ainz: Wai--


Ainz: *sigh*


Caleb: What do you mean I have work to do?! YOU SENT ME TO ANOTHER GODDAMNED SCHOOL!!

I'm talking to Yin telepathically, as I walk down the hall to the only classroom in this building.

Y/n: 'Well, this should be fun at least. Plus there's a really OP little girl in this school.'

Caleb: Oh, "Really OP little--" I know two people who could blow up the moon at 3.

Y/n: 'Wait, really?'

Caleb: Yeah! Piccolo! Also, some psychic kid, Saki or something, but he did it with a punch! Or something...

I open the door to the classroom.

Caleb: What I don't understand, is why I have to always watch children die! What's the body count, 30? And that's only if we count the ones who aren't teenage--

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