Chapter 9: Teaching

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Caleb: Ah, today's the first day!

After the past couple days of, "intense training," school finally started! Or well, more specifically, my Class starts today. I don't think I've ever been so happy about school! And I don't have to do any of the classes, since I can look anything I don't know up on my modified scroll, that Ozpin gave me. Using my cheat skill, I modified it and basically turned it into an iphone, that has a "world of remnant app, that makes the features like a scroll. I could laze around all day, and not have to do anything for a long time! Ugh... I don't even want to think of paper work, don't even get me started.

I was currently getting the front of the class ready for use. Once I was done, I just stood upside down on the roof waiting for everyone to come in.

Random Student: Where's the teacher?

Random Student: How irresponsibly.

I turned off chakra control, and did a flip landing down in front of the class. Sporting my new, outfit which looked a little something like this. (and of course, I don't own the picture)

Caleb: Ah, welcome students! I see Ozpin gave me a variety of age

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Caleb: Ah, welcome students! I see Ozpin gave me a variety of age. This class must be really important. Let's get some ground rules down.

I bang my hand on my desk so everyone's attention is on me.

Caleb: First and foremost, you shall treat each other with respect, inside and outside of this class room. We are all people here, and are to be treated as such. If I happen to find ANY disrespect of ANY kind towards one another, then I shall deal with it my self. Do you understand?

Everyone looks kind of shocked. I wouldn't blame them, when you got someone up to 5 years younger than you teaching you.

Caleb: I said... DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND?

Class: Y-Yes sir!

Caleb: Good. Next up you will listen and follow every direction I give when I am speaking to you as such. Do you under stand?

Class: Yes sir.

Caleb: And last, but not least-- and this is a bit of advice too-- Never, EVER think you are superior to someone else. For you could never know what tricks they have up your sleeve.

Class: Y-Yes sir...?

I see some people nod at this piece of advice.

Cardin: What can he do? He's just a kid!

Caleb: Oh, much more than you think, mister Winchester.

I say unconsciously activating my sharingan.


I suddenly teleport in front of him.

Caleb: I may look calm mister Winchester, but in my mind I've killed you all over a thousand times in a million different ways. I'll let you off easy since it's you're first day. So unless you'd like to experience that crummy juncture, I'd appreciate it if you shut your mouth. Capiche?

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