Chapter 90: Preperation.

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Walking down the streets of Hidden Heaven, I look at the monsters and they wave to me. I wave back with a small smile. All of these monsters are from the underverse. We have some humans here and there, but most of them are monsters who've migrated from the Omega timeline to here. I should have noticed that we wouldn't be able to house all of them then. I'll focus on the changes later. Right now, I need to return to...


~3rd Person


???: AHH!

Caleb: Hey Lady Tsunade! How've you been!

Tsunade: Caleb?!?! But how?! You--I thought you--?!

Caleb: I'm back now and I need just a little bit of help.

Tsunade: You know, Naruto and the others were gravely injured.

Caleb: And Sasuke left the village to be with Orochimaru. I got the gist of it from the quest I got before leaving. You need me now though, right?

Tsunade: Well, yes, but--

Caleb: Then I'll take on 57 d-rank missions. I wouldn't mind a few c-rank quests, maybe a B?

Tsunade: That many?!?! But you're only a Gennin! You can't--

Caleb: Lady Tsunade, you know I'm not a normal Gennin. I already know one of Madara Uchiha's greatest Firestyle Jutsu.

Tsunade looked at Caleb dumbfounded by what he just said. Madras Uchiha's greatest fire jutsu?! That's just not possible. Anyone would have to...

Tsunade: How?!

Caleb: Well, through the system I can only learn a select number of Jutsu. Great Fire Annihilation is just the last one I can learn.

Tsunade: Oh lord...

Caleb: Yeah, so what do we got in store for me?

Tsunade gave a long sigh as she looked at Caleb.

Tsunade: Well, when it comes to D-rank missions, there's a 7 babysitting missions for today, and a 50 material gathering missions that need to be done by the end of the week that I can spare too meet that mark for D-Rank missions. As for C-Rank, you have to realize you're still a Gennin here. Even if your skills are exemplarily rules are rules. I need to do the basic paper work to show you've not actually died and you still have to complete a certain amount of D-Rank missions before you can get C-ranked ones. Not to mention the mission requirement to take the Chunin exams.

Caleb: Light work. I can get the mission requirements in no time. I'll take the mission scrolls.

Tsunade handed them over to Caleb, who immediately started looking through the material missions. They're all simple fetch quests within the village itself. Simple materials like wool in various colors, various raw and cooked meats.

Caleb chuckled as he looked through the quests. He already had an abundance of these materials in his inventory, he just never bothered to organize it. After looking a for a bit, Caleb used the system to complete the quests in the office.

Caleb: Done. And the Ryo is already given to me. Now I just need the baby sitting missions done. What was that first one?

Tsunade sat there shocked for a moment. Seeing this, Caleb quickly explained he's abundance of material through out his travels. Defeated Tsunade sighed.

Tsunade: The First Lady is a wife to the Daimyo from the land of--

Caleb: Pause.

Caleb took a moment to reflect himself. He thought these missions were going to be a bit more easy.

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