Chapter 25: Underverse part 1: Doodle sphere

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Caleb: I gotta stop this habit of falling.

I look at some of the papers that I pass while falling. 

Caleb: 'They're pretty good.'

I do a flip before I land, and land in a spider man esk pose before standing up and walking around. If you're wondering about our current location, then I should welcome you to the doddle sphere.

Caleb: What is this place....

I gaze around at the papers hanging from nothingness.

???: Oh? Who are you? I don't think I've seen you in any universe before.

Caleb: Ah, you must be Ink.

Ink: Indeed. I'm Ink, the God of creation, and created all of this myself. But my question is, who are you, and why are you here.

Caleb: To answer your first question, I'm Caleb. And I'm here to make friends. I know a lot about the Underverse already. I actually heard that there was a place where a bunch of AU's took refuge. I was hoping to help them by taking them in. To a place, where the is only one timeline, and the concept of SAVE, LOAD, and RESET, don't exist. That's all I can guarantee for them. It's the Village Hidden in the Heavens, also known as Tengokugakure.

Ink: That's the Omega Timeline. But why should I help you?

Caleb: I'll let you borrow my sketch book. Maybe it'll inspire you.

I see Ink's eyes light up with stars, and he managed to close the distance between us somehow.

Ink: Really?!

Caleb: Y-Yeah... We can do it now if you want. 

Ink: Cool! But...

Caleb: What is it?

Ink: There are a lot of things going on in all of the AU's... Errors been really active lately. He's planning something, I'm sure of it... That's also why I'm willing to move those in the Omega timeline... We might have to move other AU's as well.

Caleb: ... I think I can handle that... We'll have to have the sketch book wait for now. If what you said is true, then that must mean Cross is to... We'll have to get this done ASAP.

Ink: Aww...

Caleb: We should gather everyone up in the Omega timeline, since it isn't on his radar yet. Lead the way.

Ink: On it.

He then painted a portal with his giant brush... Or broom... Whatever you call it. He created a portal.

Ink: The Underverse is a very dangerous place despite looks. Watch out for anything. There could be... anomaly.

Caleb: ... Noted.

Walk through the portal, and turn to look back at Ink. He's looking around for something... or someone... He glares in a direction before walking through the portal as well.

Caleb: Say... Isn't it kinda quiet?

Ink and I look around.

Ink: I swear, I was just here with everyone! Besides it's not like the human could have...

Caleb: Could have what? I don't see any dust around.

Ink and I then take another glance around before looking at each other.

Caleb/Ink: The surface!



Ink: Your gonna have to do a lot of explaining.

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