Chapter 69: First day of Beacon

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Everyone woke up with a jolt, to the sound of a whistle. All the team members looked at each other, a silent acknowledgment for what was happening today. They got up, and got ready, not talking to much to each other, but questioning themselves on how they made it this far. It seemed so surreal--especially for Caleb. But after they got changed in their Beacon outfits, Caleb opened the door, and had somewhat of a smile on his face, as he looked at his family and friend.

Caleb: "Ready to start a brand new adventure?"

They all exchanged a few quick glances with a smirk.

Rory: "Like we were ready to start shooting lasers out of our hands."

Caleb laughed a bit before walking through the door. He waited for his team to step out, before he closed the door to join them walking to find their class.

After they had made it to class, they took their seats, greet their friends. Then, the man--that some of you may know if you've watched RWBY, or read a tiny bit of this story will know--named Prof. Port, stood in front of the class. Once everyone is situated, he cleared his throat.

Port: "Now class these first few weeks here at Beacon will be about settling i--"


Everyone on team CREN sighs, and shakes their heads disapprovingly. Team RWBY and JNPR nervously take their seats.

Port: "As I was saying... The first few weeks will be about settling in, and so classes this week will be a bit... odd... That being said this class will be only two periods this per day this week. But since Professor Oobleck and I have two classes, you'll have me all day today. But, since the headmaster would like you to rest, the last two days will be Free Days to explore your new home, thus making a four day weekend!"

Caleb: "Oh my God. This has to be heaven!"

Rory: "I never got a four day weekend the first week of school!"

Nathan: "Well, neither did I!"

Ethan: "No of us had any ya dip shi--"

Caleb hit Ethan in the back of the head.

"OW! WHY?!"


"Ahem," Professor Port gave them a questioning look. "We will go what this first class is, which is Grim Studies."

"Oh god, we're actually gonna have to pay attention for this, get ready." Caleb said, while getting out his phone and earbuds.

As Caleb was doing his own thing, while Prof. Port went on his rant. Before he started his life story, he winked at Yang, and that didn't settle to well with Rory. But Nathan, like any sensible older cousin, purple nurpled him. Caleb nodded aprovingly at this, as he went back to whatever he was doing on his phone. Probably Dokan Battle.

"Shut up 3rd person," Said the toxic little boy under his breath.




'Sorry you had to see that'

Port: "Mr. Caleb Daniel?"

I was startled at Prof. Ports sudden mention of my name. I got out of Garage Band, and put the phone away, and stood up.

Caleb: "Yes sir?"

"Would you like to demonstrate all those admirable quality's to the class? I'm still wondering if you're even better then your father"

'Okay, encase you forgot "Dave" AKA the Harem King posed as my Father, and changed the history on this world a bit. Now I gotta give a quick natural response...' "U-Um... sure...?"

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